okay, obviously you have an axe to grind...but mousey, l think you are short changing the Afro-American people...they don't need help as far as l can see, and their is lots of inspiration. Here in Canada we just finished Black History Month and celebrated all the African-American people who have contributed to our world.
So l can't understand why you think the Black people of America are in need of Jewish assistance? Maybe the Jewish people need Black assistance...I mean l am white and l have Black friends, Black Collegues, l watch the news and they have a Black entertainment person, and a Black newsperson, and a Indian anchor, and so it seems that black people are up to snuff with everyone else, l mean if anything they have the jump on us white people, because they have more menatonan in their skin and walk around with the equivillent of sp50 whereas we just look stupid and burnt when we go out in the sun!
Heck, why should the black people be any different then everyone else, l don't see any difference with intelligence, nor with the imagination, the desire for success...so why should any other group of people be thought of as more successful as black people.
Your point is that Jewish people are somehow in a higher position, and this is not true, and you are doing black people an injustice with even this thought...