I'm not only talking about the lack of entertainment... must you insist on taking portions of the post to provide your comments on.
Anyone can take portions of information and put twist on them make, take things out of context, and certainly have others perceive different that from which is offered by the subject matter.
I don't care if it is embraced either...my point killed two birds with one stone as some would say. I go on to mention others who had a different point of view or disagreement of the material.
I welcome such. Your right, everyone has an opinion and a right to share as such. I just ask that it be substantiated.
If you have a question, perhaps you can present it before entering into disagreement. I am not the source of infinite truth as you know nor am I am source of importance that can be found by the masses. I am but a simple individual with a point of view or views.
I cannot debate them however when people who declare they are interested in doing so close the door or window for such. I am also not suggesting you are ignorant in general just bothered by the misconception of my material.
I simply find it hard to believe or find myself "unconvinced" that your read the material in entirety and/or understood what was being presented as a whole. Sure you can take a sentence from here and there and make it into a completely different posting or try and tie it to a somewhat related issue.
That however is a spin, a misconception, and the basis for one of my other postings.