Fri 3 Nov, 2006 07:14 pm
Just something i was thinking about....
Life and reality what are they?
Reality is how we are living, which today is plagued with violence and prejudice.
Life is simply life, there is no firm definition for it, but it is understood, untangibly yet concrete at the same time beautifull and dreafull.
Reality is a consequence of life, of being alive, and being such it is subject to the most basic rule of life. All things end. I believe this reality of hate and intolerance is past due. You think that a few people on a forum can't change the world? Try or else you'll never know. Give a good example, forgive, love, help out, make yourself heard. One day we will all die, its a fact no doubt about it, I mean is this life we live so great after all? I know our potential so do you, lets see what a few people can do, even if we don't change the world, at least we changed our world, and our reality, that is all we can as for.
Reality is a heavy subject...
Having just reread some Michael Gazzaniga reinforced something for me.
Your environment affects the way that you are wired to interpret reality.
It physically wires your brain a certain way.
The book I reread recently was "The Social Brain." Look it up if you're
Here's something about its successor, "The Ethical Brain."
Trying to analyze reality can be depressing. Though I have regrets, I'm glad life turned out the way it has. I don't do a lot of wishful thinking.
@tumbleweed cv,
Only because you've/we learned different.
Bert and Ernie have spoken.
So it is writen, let it b done.
Reality is the objective existence of the universe. The laws of the universe are inviolate and exist whether we comprehend them or not. Gravity pulls bodies of mass together today just as it did one million years ago before we humans were able to comprehend it. There is nothing that we can do about reality. We are all part of this reality.
Life is a result of the Laws of Reality. Our consciousness is still incomprehensible.
Is life important?
How much do you value yours?
My life is totally meaningless.
The universe is almost 15 billion years old. Our planet is about 4.5 billion years old and will exist for another 6 billion potentially. The universe has billions of galaxies and each galaxy has billions of suns.
I live for maybe 75 years on an inconsequential planet in an inconsequential galaxy. Anything that I do will be as relevant to the universe as one bacterium in the ocean.
I have accepted the fleeting and meaningless nature of this existence.
If I die tomorrow or in 50 years - it is no different.
So to summarize - my life is not worth very much.
But it is to you, to you it is your entire universe.
Quote:So to summarize - my life is not worth very much.
Darwins law is in effect. Is your life worth that same amount to you, yourself?
Drnaline;8522 wrote:Darwins law is in effect. Is your life worth that same amount to you, yourself?
Is that a personal attack? Comment about Darwin?
Dying tomorrow or in 100 years is all the same to me.
Life is like running on a treadmill. A lot of exertion but you don't go anywhere.
In other words - I have transcended all the delusions that we create to give our existence meaning.
Quote:Life is like running on a treadmill. A lot of exertion but you don't go anywhere.
I disagree, do you learn nothing in your time here on Earth? Don't you laugh?cry?dream? That is going somewhere in my understanding.
We do have a lot of experiences while we are alive.
But what is the point of all those experiences?
At present we have NO PROOF that there is any existence after death.
Spiritual Books are not proof. They are myths and fairy tales developed to comfort us.
If there is no life after death then all experiences die with us.
In 50 years noone will remember you.
The only point to life is the continuation of the genetic line.
So what if it is? Does it make you happier knowing this?
Believing in this? I know that believing in God and living by his ways make me a happier person, I honestly can say that I am completly satisfied with my life. Can you?
I accept the fact that life is pointless. I have no expectations.
Since I have no expectations I can have no disappointments or frustrations.
I know that the world is full of selfish people.
I know that I have to take care of myself and not depend on anyone else.
I accept that in a short while I will be dead.
I do not need any delusions to give my life meaning.
Quote:Since I have no expectations I can have no disappointments or frustrations
Is that what you call happiness?