Lasombra wrote:Here you go tikala.
Now.... what is it that you are so hot and heavy on about religions and peace.
Hey Lasombra, your honorable non-stupid!
Christianity professed to be a religion of peace?
Christians started the first Worldwar,
Christians instigated the second WW, fully supported by His Holyness Pius XII and barbecued 6million Jews.
Christians killed about 5million North-Vietnamese in the Vietnamwar.
Christians have killed more than 100,000 Iraqi civilians (and counting) mostly women and children.
Christians, especially Roman Catholics are the "Antisemites par Excellence"
They have persecuted and mass murdered hundreds of thousands of Jews for nearly 2 millenniums, culminating in the barbecuing of the 6million Jews as I stated above. Even the Hitler-Jugend educated Cardinal Ratzinger aka Pope Benedict has rendered Judaism as null and void.
Every year, come Christmas time Christians advertise all over the world:
PEACE TO THE WORLD......yeah, right !
To the Christians: "In nomini Patri et Fili et Spiritu Sancti" (In the name of the Father...etc....)