Fri 29 Nov, 2002 10:32 pm
I have a Hotmail address that I use for registering at internet sites, etc., and a different one for personal e-mail. I did this after using the internet for a while and realizing that everytime you register somewhere or use your e-mail address anywhere online, the cookie monster gets you and sells your name to all manner of crazy e-mail spammers. I never get junk mail at the address I use for personal e-mail, but starting around the first of this year, I was getting around 70 or 80 per day in my Hotmail account.
For the last two or three weeks, I've only been getting a few pieces of junk mail per day. Today so far, there were only eight! I'm certainly not complaining, but I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed a decline in the amount of spam they get. Are the spammers giving up? Or has something (maybe legal) happened that I'm not aware of?
I have to admit, some of those subject lines make me laugh. For quite a while, almost every day, I'd get the "enhance your male organ" one as well as "(my name here) increase your bust size" one. The cookie monster sure does get confused at times!
chatoyant -- on hotmail you can set your 'filter' at high to cut down on junk mail -- you can also 'block' emails from places you don't want to get them from again. I've done that and I get maybe 2 or 3 in my 'junk mail' folder a day and another maximum 2 or 3 in the regualr inbox. I usually 'block' anything I can, including the suffix -- sometimes I can't though cause they're using or something similar which people do use for legitimate e-mail addresses.
bandylu, I do have my filter set to high and all the spam lands in my junk mail folder. But I check it anyway, because every once in a great while, I get mail from someone I haven't heard from for ages and have deleted their name from my user list. I used to block all the spammers, but after a while, I got a message that I had reached the maximum number of addresses I could block, so I just quit doing that.
Didn't realize there was a maximum. I must be getting close cause I've been blocking everyone. Oh, well.
Can't say about my Hotmail account. I have never used Hotmail for subscriptions, so I never get spam.
Yahoo, on the other hand is getting obnoxious. I used to sing the praises of its bulk mail folder, where all the spam used to go. But lately, more and more spam is creeping into my inbox!