Ok.. here I go again lol.
I have been at the same Church since I was born. I had my time of rebellion and didnt go for years. I had my own crap to work out.
Not all Churches are the same. My Church is wonderful and loving. It has not always been that way. Its seen its share of rotten pastors and even more rotten members. Heck, I've been a rotten member at times. If you arent being spiritually fed where your at, go somewhere else.
Pray about where God wants you. He WILL answer. He will either show you to another Church or he will put you to work to change the one your at. How much time do you spend in prayer for your Church and community? Its important. If you want change bad enough.. pray for it. If you care enough to gripe about it, you should care enough to pray for it.
Churches ask for money.. because most of them dont have a choice. Less than 20% (numbers vary) of the people in a church tithe. If more people would do that then the problem would be solved. People somehow got the idea that a dollar or so every week would suffice.. it doesn't. God commands us to tithe 10% of our best. He WILL provide for you if you are faithful, period! Ya gotta kinda help him along on that by not wasting your money on wants. Ipods are NOT a need. Software so that you can play the latest games is NOT an need.
He promises food and clothing for his followers.
As far as Churches spending money on buildings. The Church will not grow if there isnt any room for anyone. heck, Churches wont grow if theres no parking for people. If a Church isnt trying to get new members and make new Christians, its dead and theres no reason for it to exist. Ok enough of that crud..
God has a Church where any one of us can be spiritually fed.. but in actuality we are supposed to do that on our own everyday by staying in the word and meditating on it. Church is a time to offer up praises and song. God is supposed to be the audience and we are the players, not the other way around. Im NOT judging anyone. Im in the same boat as anyone here.