I have experienced similar even though I was not raised in any religion. I have studied Buddhism and it seems that most of the magic talk happens in Chinese Buddhism but not exclusively. If the school of Buddhism has any vajrayana or tantrayana in it then it will have a lot of magic talk. Some zen schools also have some magic talk but the majority don't. I find it interesting that you focused on this sort of talk when I think for a majority of Christianity is nothing other than magic talk. They believe a person died and then three days later came back to life and floated away. They believe this same person walked on water, turned water into wine and converted a small portion of food that fed thousands. To me Christianity is nothing more than a bunch of empty magic talk. I think this is so they can sell it, so any time there is magic talk it is because they have nothing other to offer so they make stuff up so you will be interested. That works on a lot of people, but not on me or you. If you have any inclination for not accepting BS on face value, it won't work.