Sun 16 Nov, 2003 06:21 pm
I am looking for songs from the '60', '70's or '80's that have "words" or "language" in the title.
Thanks for any help you can give.
There is "Language of Love"
Don't know artist or year.
Also "THe Word" by the Beatles.
Words of Love by Buddy Holly/Recorded by the Beatles
Words by the Bee Gees
The Bird's the Word by the Rivingtons
Words Get in the Way by Gloria Estefan
Word Up by the Cameos
Word of Mouth by the Kinks
More than Words by Extreme (hmm that may have been early 90's)
I think that this song is older..................."Three Little Words".
hmmm...not to quibble Swimpy but the Rivingtons put out Papa Oo Mow Mow. Correct me if I'm wrong.
If I only had the words to tell you - Billy Joel
la language de l'amour - laurie anderson
language is a virus - laurie anderson
Cure: 'Speak my language'
Yes: 'New language'
Sandi Patti: 'Love in any language'
Rivingtons did both: The Bird's the Word, and Pa Pa Omm Mow Mow
and you can get it all on KaZaA