The process of life.
Process; noun1 series of operations performed on something, during manufacture.2 a series of stages passed through, resulting in development or transformation. 3 an operation or procedure: 'a slow process'
verb 1 to put through the required process; to deal with appropriately. 2 to prepare (agricultural produce) for marketing. 2 to analyse (data) by computer- in the process of... in the course of. From Latin 'processus', progression.
Just to be better equipped:)
Towards the light, i am not equipped but the light fules me.
the light of a candle, the light of a soul, the light of awareness, the light of life, the light of the sun, the light of enlightenment its self of understanding and of consciousness.
The river mists are about clear vision hampered by external forces such as nature, are they required?
Unspeakably, because it does not need to say or be spoken anything about, good metaphor for nirvana.
He is still aware of himself, he has not yet reached the beauty?
Or he must search himself to find it.
The raft that will hold him is God, tied waiting and ready to climb aboard.
He paddled, he did not rush, he was not hampered but by himself, held above the waters.
The journey was 'long and hazardous' so the hazard was the length,
could mean to make safe,
we need just be there where we need not take a journey at all.
Just be.
Time is one thing swift,
do away with time do away with the rush to be exactly where we always are.
The raging rapids that enlist fear is the speed of rushing life.
No keeping up, the mind tosses and turns over God only in the fear of time.
The raft will always float,
we may fall off.
His strength is his faith in the raft and himself over what the world stream river current occurs around about him.
Balance is not just perpetual motion,
it is trial, but over ones senses first.
We do not need to trust our senses when we trust the raft as ourself.
Center of the river, center of the universe.
When truely journeying you need not past or future or either shore.
Balance achieved.
Without time.
Time he was not sure.
But driffting without time and place is still self. Left with or found.
With faith there is more, you shall discover distant only by self unconquered but not seperate shore.
He left the raft behind and God some may have said.
As he landed and arrived as part of the land found God was now in him, him now in God, Now him as God found and founded.
Nirvana only at the end of journeying?
He was green, he was in blossom.
He who dares look back once found, might be considered a coward,
might be considered doubtfull,
but might as well be considered champion overlooking a battlefield.
But not in need of validation by this ascance backwards glance.
He looked back, he may lose his nirvana? But not necessarily his light.
He could not see anything besides,
he had not need for sight or maybe reflection, truely being found means looking in no more mirrors.
There was no time, no sight, no God.
There was him as God
or else alone
but for the blossom.
Loved it, thank you for sharing.