jeeprs;146506 wrote:Of course the dreadful things you talk about have happened. I won't deny it for a second. But the Judeo-Christian ethos, in the broader sense, has also been responsible for the development of the idea of the person, human rights, hospitals, universities, and even science itself, along with much else that is distinctive and great about the western world. Most science up until the last century was conducted within Christian institutions. Even today religious institutions run thousands of hospitals and charities all over the world. Will you deny these have any value 'because they are religious'?
But the saturation of religious people is too easy to claim it was religiously motivated. The only way you could know that it was because of religion these institutions arose would be to provide an environment full of atheists and see if such institutions would develop. If they would then you can't claim that it was religiously motivated.
jeeprs;146506 wrote:
And it is NOT easy to be a religious believer. It is not just a matter of swallowing some ancient myth and saying 'that is the truth'. You have to be highly self-critical and live according to very high ethical standards if it is to mean anything. The fact that many exponents of it who fail to do this every day does not make it any less true.
You see high ethical standards but I don't see a majority of them as being ethical or moral. They are so quick to persecute anyone not of their faith. Threaten them with the damnation of hell for not accepting their savior as being true. That if you were to give them political control they would outlaw anything outside of the faith. That is ethical behavior?
jeeprs;146506 wrote:
Anyway life it too short to argue about this. There is a biblical christian on the forum who is on my banned list, not because I have any bad feelings towards him/her, but because I know exactly what the response will be when it comes to any question about religion. It's deja vu all over again.
I don't feel the need to silence anyone. I have heard it all and if anything I assume that people who enter debate actually are willing to learn something. I know that not everyone wants to learn but instead they would rather dictate their beliefs. I accept people for having their beliefs but at the same time, my disbelief is just as worthy. If I can present a counter argument then why should I be silenced just because it might oppose some religious doctrine? I am skeptical, but I honestly want to learn. I find it hard to swallow some simple one liners when the reality does not support what is being sold. So I question it and provide my argument.
---------- Post added 03-30-2010 at 10:30 PM ----------
Amperage;146510 wrote:a wise man once said, "never judge a philosophy by its abuse."
If we throw out everything which has been abused we won't be left with anything.
It's hard for me to see why people like to use examples of the abuse of a philosophy as a reason why said philosophy should be abolished. And attempts to do so are clearly missing the underlying concepts of said philosophy
Yeah but what do you do with a person who is abusive? Do you just ignore them and let them do their thing? Or do you call them on it? Do you try to prevent them from abusing any more?
I do not want to abolish religion. I want religion to keep itself to itself as it should be. It is funny because even Christians ignore that Jesus even said that you should not pray in public. He said you should hide yourself before you pray. Yet why are they so insistent in public prayer? Because it is that they don't care about what the teachings are, they only want to promote their dogma, their agenda, their power and control. It isn't about the teachings.