@de budding,
I've read the first three pages to see if anyone has written exactly what i am about to write, but did not see such so here it is.
Many people touched up on the topic saying taking philosophy will help, or curiosity is what facilitates learning, but what really is lacking is value. I believe value is what necessary to keep kids learning
learning philosophy is good because they will learn the general value, ethics and virtue of all things considered.
curiosity is necessary, well curiosity is just something or some idea that is of value to you which you then will engage in it; whether it be a ant for kids, learning C++ for high school students, or perusing premed in college. They are interested/curious because that subject or thing is of value to them, whatever that value may speak to.
When kids ask why should we learn this, i.e. math. the answer is not, "because if you don't do this now, you will never ever do this in your life." Which is true but quite demoralizing to students told that they have to do it for the sake of doing for the absence of the opportunity in their life. (true for most american history, world history, econ, gov, and even science based classes). So why do we teach them?
of course, because kids have no idea what they are capable of so we need to give them the widest cocktail available... and someone said earlier about education tailored specifically for a certain company. very efficient.
I always believed in this concept; value.
I am a history major; i seek to teach the why of every incident that have ever occurred on this planet mixed with philosophical, biological, chemical, physical, literal advancements and the evolution of human society from those advancements made by individuals and societies feeding from them. Architects do not have to work in firms in cities. They can build simple, functional, affordable houses and facilities in Africa and save literally BILLIONS of people. Many kids I have taught seem to believe saving lives can only be done as a pre-med. major. not true. But that is the reality. they do not know the value of what it is to become and its full capacity in every subject.
This is something eveyone, today, is required to learn by themselves, hindered by the bombardment of all other facts they are required to absorb. The fault lies in the 'system' of this shotgun approach, but so does in the children who believe that they should be taught this value (what i have written above) of things so that they can be taught how to do what they want asap. They think that because they are not guided to what they love by the age of 16, the system is dumb and inefficient. ...well no. The system has its limitations. That is a given. The kids are the ones who have to learn this, and not b***h and nag at the system and blame them for what they believe is their "failure".
The key between these two, imo is the parents.
Kids have no clue to make the connection of their existence, future, happiness and fulfillment.
the system cannot tailor all education to meed every students standards, not now in america at least when 90% of all tax goes to nuclear missiles and millitary (exaggeration understood, but this is how i feel america views education relative to all others through observation, outcome and experience, not data)
So if not the kids, nor the teachers, who?
am i not right?
kids are clueless, but so are the public education system.
I see it that the Public Education System (p.e.s.) should be seen only as a form of social gathering for kids to mingle with their kind to build social interactive skills in their own kind to prep them for the 'real' societal world, and not much more should be expected from it, as history proves. (individuals who truly excel will graduate years earlier from pes and graduate universities in a year or two. no time to nag about the incompetence of pes.
Parents need to teach them value and importance and aid in the search for the desire, instinct, value of the children.
The issue of "pes is inpotent" and "children not knowing what do in life and sees school as dumb" is most apparent today than ever because parents are absent from their life. Both parents, usually, must work and kids are left to play video games, without the opportunity to learn to even respect their parents in extreme cases.
any input?
sory for being so long an never revising before post; i beg forgiveness for the dribbling of words and horrible grammar.
---------- Post added 05-29-2010 at 02:36 PM ----------
one more thing i forgot to elaborate on that i introduced in the previous post.
I 'was' a biochem major. I had compelted 1 year of physics, 1.5 year of math, 2.5 year of chemistry, 1.5 year's worth of biology. and it occured to me as i was pondering about values. I HATED biology because for biochemists, learning 50 different plant's genus, phylum and species and their ecology was THE BIGGEST WASTE OF TIME AND LIFE. but i had to do it. why? because this "biology class" was taught by a taxonomist. WHAT??? why is a post taxonomist teaching future dentists, physicists, chemists, astronomers, brain surgeons, etc.
I believe that dentists should teach dentists how to become dentists. Physicists should teach physicists how to become physicists etc. THEY know what they need to learn, they know what is most important, they know what is most VALUABE in the discipline and can prepare them for what is about to come.
doesn't it defeat the purpose of deciding on a "major" when you still have to learn OBVIOUSLY irrelevant concepts in biology or w/e, and even worse "GE's" as well.... haven't we done enough GE's in the past 12 years??? if one is "undecided" on their major, they will take all the classes they wish on their own; english, psychology, physio, history, etc. there's no need for 'guidelines' for everyone, especially those who already have decided on their majors, to take as a requirement in universites. These aspects give the name "13th grade" to university attendees. it is merely an extension of high school. quite sad.
don't you think so?