FireWalkWithMe;76141 wrote:I find it pretty dehumanizing actually. I don't really feel that it's truly "CONNECTING" people-- on a genuinely emotional-human level. I think people were more connected prior to social networking sites, when they used the time that they are now behind a computer screen staring at Facebook/Myspace, hanging out in person.
While this is completely understood, it's only your perception of it. Human evolution is not at all dehumanizing, it's what we are creating. The fact is, this new revolution IS connecting people and more so than ever before and it's a GREAT thing that we have the ability to do so. Besides that, we're progressing towards transparency which is going to be good for everyone.
There are people who think like you do and I may have too but there is a bright side to all of this if you choose to see it. I think it's important, especially now in this era, to embrace and utilize these resources because they are not going away. What matters most is how we perceive it.
FireWalkWithMe;76141 wrote:**And let me add that I am on Facebook because some "friends" have gotten to the point where if I'm not on Facebook, i have no other means of keeping in touch with them...which I find depressing and even humiliating.
It's really made me question who are my true friends. That is the reason for my putting quotes around the word.
Facebook is the easiest way to keep in contact, share photos and update your status. This keeps people in contact. I tell them all to get on facebook and I've yet heard one regret it once they got on there.
If you find it depressing or humiliating then that's what it will be. What about changing your perception of it? It goes with anything in life in general. If we make the choice to always see the negative sides of ANYTHING, then the negative side will reflect back your perception of it. So in a sense, I'm suggesting to look at things with different glasses on. Try to find the positives and see the positive side of it and you'll soon find out how happy you are to have it and be connected to all your friends.
Questioning their friendship because of this is no problem of theirs, that's one you are putting upon yourself so the best thing you can do is change your perception of it.
If you use facebook and twitter and some of the more reputable applications on the internet, you'll find that they increase productivity and communication like never before and this is good. On top of that, we're moving into a transparent age which is also going to provide positive change throughout our entire world.
FireWalkWithMe;76141 wrote:And maybe it's just me. I don't really have any close friends. No one ever calls me and rarely do I get a personal e-mail. I get to the point where I feel like when I'm on the internet, I'm staring into some kind of void and it makes me very sad to even discuss this 9but I think it's pretty relevant since the net is such a big part of people's lives.)
I can't stand personal emails. I mean, after all the spam we each get in our inbox each day and the constant battles with it... facebook is a breath of fresh air for keeping in contact with friends and acquaintences.
It's not a void until you create that void based on how you see it.
FireWalkWithMe;78671 wrote:Oh yes they can! Examples:
-Do you want to join my mafia wars? Hello? Join my clan! Play with me!
-What's your IQ? My IQ is 150! I'm so smart I answered a fake IQ test that told me how smart I am and I want to make sure that everyone sees this!
-Which Family Guy character are you? I'm Stewie! I'm so bad ass and evil! Check it out!
-Status updates: *sigh* so sad.... *sigh* (waits for comments... no one comments in 2 minutes so no one must care about me boohoohoo)
etc. etc. into infinity
On my facebook, I have put this:[INDENT]
Justin doesn't do all those silly applications so please don't take it personally if I reject your drink or ignore your kicks. Thank you!.... I forgot to mention - DO NOT FWD: Forward emails to me.
[/INDENT]It's in the box on the left hand of my profile page. I don't get too many and if I do, I ignore all application requests from that user and/or block application.
People seem to be fascinated with some of these games and quizes and that's all fine and dandy but it's not productive. It's not improving your life or the lives around you, it's entertainment. I know that I don't have time for all that so, the more you block the less you'll get and just make it known that you aren't into the apps game. If they choose to spend valuable time playing on facebook... well that's up to them.
I used to get into stuff like that myself but you end up growing out of that. So having facebook and keeping track of your friends throughout your life is very exciting... And trust me, they'll grow out of the apps and games when the newness wears off.
Another good thing about is networking for jobs or business and other great things.
Facebook is a good thing. The changes we are going through are a good thing. We are going through and a part of one of the biggest revolutions ever and if we choose only to see the negative aspects of it, the negative is the only thing that will be reflected back.
So, I encourage you to look at things differently. You can stand around and burn bread on everything or you can be apart of positive change and positive influence amongst your friends. You'll be amazed and how much better things will look once you perceive them differently.
I do however, recommend that EVERYONE take their facebook profile very seriously and use it only for friends and acquaintances.