Mon 3 Nov, 2003 03:42 pm
I'm on the net a lot. I use various sites such as google and to me it's a godsend.
I'm not sure if this breaks a2k's user agreement or not.
If it's allowed what are the sites you use daily, dictionaries, news sites, radio ect. What are your Internet Gems?
Ta Ceili
If you click on the Portal link in the forum header, above, you'll find a bounty of favorite links we've been collecting. It's a relatively new feature that not many A2Kers are yet aware of.
I like the Portal page. Here, tho, I'll say Snopes. I never pass on email warnings unless I check Snopes first. Then I usually don't pass 'em on anyhow; the world is too full of that sort of stuff.
These threads generally attract a lot of spam (and lots of work for the mods), but aren't aganst the rules (though spammers will certainly break the rules here in their quest to "share" with all of you).
But please submit them to the portal as well. That's what it's there for.
Craven, once again I feel the fool, I had never really explored the portal page. There are some real gems there. How does one go about submitting a site?
Thanks again
Browse to the category you want to submit to and at the top there will be a link saying "add a listing".
If the site has no category available then just submit it to the uncategorized category in the WWW category.
I'll try to make this more intuitive.
Craven, you do a wonderful job with this site, sometimes I'm not as bright as I like to think I am
Ta, Ceili