So, does anyone know if Jamie Morrison is no longer with the Noisettes? I was looking for new stuff on them (videos, concerts, interviews, etc.) and I went to Wikipedia. Yeah, I know, not a reliable site, but I looked anyway, out of curiosity. I noticed it said that they had been using a different drummer on their 2010 tour since Feb.
I wasn't really about to make anything out of it at first; but I did find some live videos on Youtube of the band on their tour. The quality of the videos weren't very good (fan videos), and most of the time the camera is on Shingai, but I did notice that the drummer in the videos wasn't Jamie. I go to their Myspace page and only Shingai and Dan are listed under "Band Members". Nothing much on their Facebook page. And the Twitter page that was under Jamie's name (as he was in charge of updating it) is gone.
Now, I don't have a twitter account (or a Myspace, or a Facebook for that matter), so as much as I love the Noisettes, I hadn't been following their Twitter. But thanks to a comment on one of the Noisettes Youtube pages (a page that has a link to their Twitter), I believe the page got deleted maybe over two months ago.
Should I assume Jaimie is no longer with the band or what?