Thu 6 May, 2010 05:27 am
Happy birthday dear Hamburger
Happy birthday dear Hamburger
Happy birthday dear Hamburg Boy, native of the city of Hamburg in Germany . . .
Happy birthday to you!
(The Girl had to tell it was your birthday, but so what? Best wishes, Boss.)
Birthday Hamburger Wishes
does anybody know how old hamburger is?
You, my friend, are brat-years old!
Hey, a big Happy Birthday to you, Hamburgboy!
I understand that in your honour, dear Mr. Hamburger, a 300 pound hamburger is being grilled at Yonge/Dundas square today. It will no doubt make the Guinness World Record book. A fitting tribute! Happy Birthday!
A very happy birthday, Mr. H from the west coast!
Dear Hamburgboy, my heartiest congratulations on reaching this milestone, wish you a great day with many more to come. Happy Birthday.
Cheers from the boy downunder.
Happy Birthday, Hamburger.

Enjoy your day!
I dont know if this is the occassion to mention this, but I have disposed of MANY hamburgers.....Beware the hamburgler and have a good one....Best wishes from Oz (find a map of the world then turn it over and look on the back..thats where we are).
.... and many happy returns!
@High Seas,
dear a2k friends !
thanks for all your kind greetings and wishes !
(un)fortunately i have to inform you that i'm now using more " four letter " words , such as : " when ? " and " WHAT ? " .
so if you see or hear me using those words , pls be kind to me !
Happy Birthday to the native of Hamburg! Best wishes from a native of Cologne.
about life in the fast lane :
Quote: An elderly gentleman was having some physical problems, so he went to see his doctor.
The doctor told the old gent that he had to drink warm water one hour before breakfast.
At the end of a week, the man returned for a follow-up visit to his doctor's office. The concerned doctor asked the old gent if he was feeling better. The man answered that he actually felt worse.
Then the doctor asked, "Did you drink warm water an hour before breakfast each day?"
"No," replied the man, "All I could do was about fifteen minutes."
(If you don't get the joke right away , think about it ... or wait until you are 80 ! )