My dad, Donald Reeves, was the voice of Country Time Lemonade for my years, mostly in the 90's I think. I would like to find copies of those ads to submit as exhibits for the Museum of Advertising (MoA) an interactive, virtual museum based in Cincinnati. My dad died in October of 2009 - it would be nice to remember him through those ads.
Pam Plotsker and Howie Nowak " Founders of Bead Dazzle.
Don Reeves " Actor/electrical engineer/voice of Country Time Lemonade.
Here are some of the ads on Youtube:
There is one starting about 29 seconds into this video collection of ads:
There is another starting at about 1 minute into this collection of ads:
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Wed 25 Apr, 2012 05:23 pm
I was a student of your dad's when I was at Institute of Audio Research in New York. I have wondered how he was doing. Sorry to hear he passed. I was there in, I think, 1989/1990. He was my FAVORITE teacher!!! Michelle Baughan. [email protected]