2 things.
1 - Ceili has mentioned this - create a facebook fan page for your business. You join it, see if your friends will join it. This becomes somewhat viral as their friends (unrelated to you) will see the join message. But you'll need to give it some content, e. g. photos, discussions, coupons, links to a blog (yes, you should have a blog)
something (I have no idea what business you're in). Keep up with it at least once/week. Blogging should also happen about once/week, even if your posts are short.
2 - twitter. Get on it and use it. Similar kind of thing but you want to be short, sweet and to the point. E. g.
Website redesign today - let me know what you think <link>
40% off today only - here's the coupon code <link>
Interesting article about the business <link>
Looking for a Ruby on Rails Developer. DM me.
Questions about the site? Ask away! <link>
Guest blogger today <link>
Today I met @someothertwitteruser who was very helpful. Thanks!
Etc. etc.
The idea is, these are small nuggets of information, released on a daily basis. Many of them are calls to action to bring people to the site or to your twitter page. And do the same in reverse; make it easy on your site for people to follow you on twitter and facebook.
But you need to give them a reason to follow you.
One company that does this extremely well -- and you wouldn't think they do -- is
CVS. Their specials and coupons are on twitter. You just friend them and you get the info on the specials.
In short, a quickie social media strategy:
- create and update a blog 1x/week. It can be about the business and its development, or just a repository for interesting articles.
- create and update a facebook fan page for your business 1x/week. Similar kind of thing. Decent content can be just a link to your blog, BTW.
- create a twitter account and use it. Update it every day. One of those days, the update can just be a link to your latest blog post.
And, yes, I'm trying to do this for a living - these kinds of activities are something I've been observing a lot, and they seem to work. Just as importantly, they're all free.