I'll give a hint, it also has a halloween tie--sorta!
I've had several creepy hair-standing-on-the-back-of-your-neck experiences. Sometimes the telling doesn't make them sound so creepy -- but here's one that happened more than 20 years ago and still gives me shivers. My mother had just died from a long illness, so my sister-in-law & I were clearing out some clothes in one of the bedrooms on the lower floor. We were waiting for my sister to come back from work... she'd been living at home during mom's illness. Anyway, we're in the basement when we heard the outside door open and close in the room above us. Then we heard my sister walking across the floor. She was wearing high-heels and we could clearly hear the tapping of the heels just a few feet above our heads. We heard her go into the kitchen and turn on the water. Both of called out to her to tell her we were downstairs, but she didn't respond, so we hurried upstairs to talk to her. Nnobody was there. While we stood there totally mystified, my sister drove up. When she came inside she said we looked like we'd seen a ghost. We hadn't... we'd heard one. The high heels, the walking into the kitchen and starting the water.... those were very, very common things that my mom would have done before she became ill. She was a pagan & spiritualist and told me that when she died she'd try to come back and give us a sign. We weren't afraid exactly, but it did feel spooky and I've never felt comfortable being in that bedroom anymore.
Neo, Do crows represent departed souls? I don't know much about crows. I'm a city kid.
Piffka, More than sufficiently creepy. (Insert theme from the Twilight Zone.)
Here is one!
When I was living in California, I was asleep on my bed when I felt the bed shaking. I looked up and I saw all the hanging lights swinging. I held on to my bed for about a minute till it stopped. Being in the shake and bake state I figure it was just another earthquake. As usual you immediately turn the TV on and call your friends. I called my friend Ronald and said, "Did you feel that earthquake?" and he said "What earthquake?" I called another friend and got the same response. Scanning through the TV channels there is not a single report about an earthquake. I look in the calendar and it was the death anniversary of my mother. Up to now I wonder if I was dreaming or was it a reminder from her?
Yep, ever see the movie!
Roberta wrote:You won't run over a crow???? I'm glad to hear you're into breaking for birds. I have to assume that there's an additional meaning in your statement. I'm at a loss.
Roberta...tsk tsk....it's 'braking'...dang, never thought I'd have a chance to criticize your English.
Oooh. Ricardo. That gave me the creeps... I hope you dusted off her gravestone! You might be interested to know that my sister-in-law is from the Philippines, too. I told her it was because of her (and the long association of spirituality from there) that mom was able to come back. She didn't like that, but I think she believes it a little.
I'm confused about the running over a crow significance... not that I would since I try to honor all life even in death, but obviously I haven't seen that movie either.
Ricardo, That's a hair-stander-upper. As I was reading I was reminded of Kato Kaelin's testimony at the OJ trial. While he was on the phone, he felt a heavy thumping. He thought it was an earthquake, but the person he was speaking to on the phone felt nothing. It was "theorized" that the earthquake was OJ jumping over the back wall and landing on the air-conditioner.
Cav, I'm mortified.
Just think. That was the first mistake I ever made. Honest! :wink:
Neo, BTW, what movie? I remember there was a crow in The Omen, but that bird was a lookout for the devil and took out someone's eyes. Must be another movie.
The Crow was a Brandon Lee movie about a man coming back to life to avenge his murder.
I once clearly heard my name called when walking backstage at a theatre where I worked. There was no one there; I was the only person in the building. I was later told that it was the resident ghost.
Lots of theatres have ghosts or at least ghost stories. Since they are usually dark, drafty places it's easy to see why. Plus theatre people tend to be superstitious.
mac, Thanks for the info about the crow/The Crow. Yes, I've heard that many theaters are haunted. You heard someone call your name? Ghosts know your name. Feets, don't desert me now.