Setanta wrote:The most alarming thing in that otherwise idiotic screed
Surely, Cho, woud
AGREE with u, that his victims shoud have been completely unarmed.
Cho woud laud u, hug u and kiss u with gratitude.
The essence of your argument is:
when there is a
JOB to be
DONE, u better
NOT have the necessary equipment to
DO it.
Setanta wrote:is the claim about mass shootings, and especially the reference to Virginia Tech.
The gun lovers seem to be fixated on the Virginia Tech incident.
One out of other examples of
DEATH FROM GUN CONTROL, disarming future victims to make their predators
Gun control is O.S.H.A for violent criminals defending them on-the-job from the defenses of their murder victims.
Setanta wrote: But it is so obviously stupid to claim that the concealed carrying of firearms would have helped,
i can only conclude that gun lovers abandon good sense in favor of their obsession.
No; your powers of reason are merely overwhelmed by your emotions.
Setanta wrote:If there had been dozens of people carrying fire arms in Virginia that day,
There are 1000s of people who carry firearms in Virginia every day.
Setanta wrote:the odds are pretty good that, not knowing who the shooter was
The students KNEW who he was inasmuch as he was
DISTINCT from the fact that he was
SHOOTING at them.
Setanta wrote:
and having no description of the shooter, students with guns
would have been shooting down other students they saw with guns.
That makes no sense. The obvious sequence of events woud have been (if Cho 's victims had been armed)
that when he entered the class and opened up on them,
some of them woud have drawn out their defensive guns
and blasted the hell out of him, as he was standing there
right in front of them. That coud not happen because, sadly,
thay were all in compliance with
ALL laws n rules of gun control:
HELPLESS, to the aggrandizement of Cho.
Setanta wrote:And then the police would have shown up to find dozens of
clowns running around with guns in their hands,
By the time that the police actually arrived, Cho woud already have been dead
and starting to rot. There 'd be
no reason for
to still be holding a gun in his hand, and no one wearing a clown suit.
Neither woud there be any reason to run ( to go
WHERE ?? )
Clearly, the state of alarm woud be limited
to the classroom wherein Cho was killed.
To all other students, it woud be news after the fact,
the same as if word got around that "a fire started in the chemistry lab, but we put it out").
Setanta wrote:and any number of those could have been shot down for not
responding quickly enough, or in an appropriate manner to a
police order to put down the gun.
Not if those guns were back in their holsters, concealed, or back in ladies' pocketbooks.
Setanta wrote:Of course, the greatest stupidity in any of these claims about how
having firearms makes you safe is the unspoken assumption that
the mere possession of a firearm somehow means the person with
the gun will know how to use it effectively, and will unfailing do
so in a situation of sudden and unexpected stress and threat.
Practice makes perfect. Practice is fun. I like it.