I really LOVED Boner. I wish he could have done more acting. He was pretty dumb, but he was basically kind and honest. Joined the Marines. Not a Lying Manipulator like Kirk Cameron's character. Its a shame that Kirk has chosen to define himself by the convictions which ended his acting career. Jesus, had it not been for Kirks failures, Andrew would have been able to work on better projects following the success of Growing pains. Because of Kirk, the project was LesS successful. Kirk Cameron would have gone on to much better things rather than trying to REWRITE THE GODDAMN ORIGIN OF MAN, which does little more than make him look like an idiot. He never learned how to be sly. Had he learned, he might have gone as far as Leo DiCaprio did. Leo did other shows, tho. All Boner had was Kirk. And Kirk, Man of God though he may be, FAILED not only his fans, and his craft, but also, his comical co-star, Andrew Koenig. He has gone as far as making a mockery of his faith on his silly little religious show that nobody watches. He thinks he has more credibility than he actually has. I blame his dick for this directly. So now, as the death of his Boner passes us, I hope he can learn to be a better man, without so much help from the Lord.