Uh, what about all those whitening toothpastes?
So I should be rubbing my face with toothpaste? Are they all about equal, or should I be looking for floride, or what?
It was left by "Herself", Joe?
Sheesh. I was hoping for a much juicier story.
So I just took a little white bottle in to Set - asked him what he thought it was. Hand lotion. It's my Colgate.
Now I know why his hands got so dry
He's been using salt to brush his teeth.
for dog's sake, please clearly label the prep H...
@Joe Nation,
I still miss my own soaps. Lots of local soaps from humboldt county. This is all piquant since I have close to no sense of smell but a highly developed/obnoxious aesthetic sense. I am still missing my little basket of soaps. I don't remember giving them away. Therefore they are somewhere in the depths of the remaining unexplored boxes in my garage (not sure there are any, they are vastly cleaned out). They would by now have melded together in new mexico heat.
Peppermint and gritty?
I had some foot soap that sounded like that and was in a similar bottle.
(Still laughing.)
I have to remember that it's just as easy to be mis-led by your history as it is to be directed by it.
I blame Wife #2
(How many does one have to have before starting to refer to them all individually as unus a plures? George? I that 'one of many'? Where is Sister Julie Phillip when I need her? )
Anyway, she, #2-the yoga teacher, had this spearmint green stuff that we both used in the shower, it made you smell like a fresh-cut meadow.
(I don't think Colgate will be using that for their slogan, too few of us live close enough to meadows to know what that means.)
I just assumed that it was the same kind of stuff, just milder and in a bigger bottle than the Spa stuff.
(Oh, tried the spa stuff this morning, very nice.)
And.....last night before bed, I got the Mystery Bottle out, popped open the top and took a whiff. Hmm. Then I squeezed just a bit out onto the tip of my left index finger.
(There was a pause as I had to get my brain to agree that what we had thought was soap was, in fact, toothpaste and quite alright to put into your mouth. gah.)
I took a tentative taste, still fully expecting some kind of wash-your-mouth-out-with-Ivory experience, (my brain is a thickhead) instead, it's very tasty.
I brushed my teeth and gums.
Laid down in the middle of the bed,
Joe(and laughed myself to sleep)Nation
one of so many reasons,
Joe(the odd)Nation
(is this the least important thing in the world, or what?)
Today, I received in the goodie bag for the NYRR Half Marathon a bottle of DOVE Men+Care Body and Face Wash.
Joe(The Universe listens)Nation
@Joe Nation,
don't use it on your teeth, joe...
R(always thinkin' of you, buddy)H
I was relating this whole sordid story to a friend last night including the part at the end where I had that real moment of hesitation in my mind over whether to put the green stuff in my mouth. (My brain had been fully convinced it was a kind of soap.)
She related the story of a friend of hers who was the victim of domestic abuse. One night at the hospital while getting treated for a broken arm delivered unto her by her enraged lover (there's a contradicition in terms for you) she told the doctors and the police that she had been climbing up on the back of her sofa to change a light bulb in the ceiling fixture when she slipped and fell. They dutifully wrote all that down.
A year passes. Lover and his ragings are history, woman is sitting on her sofa when the light bulb in the ceiling fixture blows out. She goes to the cabinet to get a replacement and then heads back to the living room thinking to herself "I'll have to be careful. The last time I tried to replace that bulb, I slipped and broke my arm."
It took her several minutes, she said later, to actually remember how she had gotten her arm broken and how it had nothing to do with the sofas or climbing or light bulbs.
Joe(Our brains remain believing children our whole lives)Nation