Mon 27 Oct, 2003 01:58 pm
For instance, this morning I picked up the dog's bowl and put it by the sink so it could be washed. I then proceeded to fill said bowl with Cheerios and milk for my own breakfast. Fortunately, I recognized by the feel of the bowl that I made a mistake and dumped it without eating after the dog.
Sounds like you saved the day, edgar. A terrible waste of Cheerios, though...
General Mills gots lots more..
That sounds like a Anon trick, but I would have wolfed down the cereal before I noticed the bowl!

Consider yourself lucky!!
It wasn't today but I once stood zombie like (I think I'd been drinking the night before) (or it could have been the prawns) anyway in my zombie like state I poured the contents of the kettle of boiling water into the tea caddy, instead of the pot, The rest of that day didn't go that well either.
Then there was the time I put a carton of milk in the cupboard overnight.
I woke this am and rushed to get out of the house as I was late as usual. I went to get my keys and NO KEYS! I forgot that on saturday I had not been able to find the keys. So, I frantically turned the house upside down and then arranged to borrow a car. Meanwhile, some time before I woke up, my housemate called to tell me that she had my keys. She had had them in her possession since friday evening and hadn't noticed until this am. She's still not home with my fjicking keys.
One of those days all right.
sheesh. The person who let me borrow her car was also made late for work.
When I was a remodel contractor, I developed a habit of carrying keys and trash in the same hand. I don't need to say where the keys invariably wound up. I spent many an hour digging in dumpsters and retracing my footsteps. I'm smarter now. I carry the keys in a seperate hand.
funny, I thought about dredging the garbage.
I'm just sitting here, calmly eating a buttered sponge and a bowl of cheerios from my dog's food dish.
Are you implying this is unnatural behavior?
Perfectly normal, Gus, provided your dog licked his dish clean before you used it and the sponge didn't soak up all the butter.
Edgar, my dog and I had shared many an icecream cone together. Alas, she's not with me any longer, but as you can see I'm still here.
It freaks me out when I see people share food, lick fro lick, with their dogs. I can only share like that with men I'm already swapping spit with.