What is new is that they are now truly effective with the hatchet job. The right seems to be in favor of going back to a hands-off policy regarding banks, etc., and it may take over next year.
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Tue 9 Feb, 2010 07:02 pm
The banks are after easy money i.e. big merger loans for private equity firms. Less work and large sums whiuch spell bigger companies and fewer eggs in the basket which is bad for the country. Concentration of economic power and fewer jobs. The government should put a surcharge on such loans that curb competition and as mergers lead to concentration of wealth. Such loans put major corporations in the hands of a few people and large profits are made that go to exectives of banks and financial institutions. The government should discourge such loans or take a share of the profits to build up the public treasury to enrich the public.
Can you point out some politician in Illinois that I can vote for that will accomplish this goal. I have been studying them and cant find one in the whole state that I would trust dem or rep.
I rememer Mayor Daley who was beyond reproach but his sidekicks were had their heads in the trough. Maybe living is tough in Illinois so the corruption is expected.