Mon 20 Oct, 2003 08:05 pm
When I was in the 8th grade I read a book about fantasy that I absolutely loved, yet I can't remember the title. I will describe it a little bit and hope someone out there recognizes it and can offer some help.
The book starts out with a young man waking up dazed and confused about who he is. He comes across this elderly couple who nurse him back to health and send him to a dragon in the mountains. The dragon helps him realize he is the progeny of great wizards, and he is a wizard as well. He practices his magic and then goes off to a magical world to fight "the bad guys".
This is pretty much all I can recollect. If anyone can help, I would be greatly appreciative. Thank you in advance.
I wish I could help you, but I can't. I'll listen in to see if someone else comes up with an answer.
Welcome to a2k, by the way.
Thank you for the kind and warm welcome littlek. Apparently this is not a very well known title. I'll just have to call the old school library and see if the librarian can help me out. I will post the title if I find out, for those who may be interested in this book. It is indeed a great read if you enjoy fantasy such as dragons and magic. Cheers all.
Welcome, avidreader - you should be happy here, manyy of us love to read.
Could you give us a little more informatiion about the book? Or, have you tried Amazon - they now have a search based on words IN the books...
I can't remember a whole lot about the book really. Just bits and pieces. I tried searching amazon for dragon (27,000+) and magic (73,000+) separately and have sifted through a few thousand so far. How exactly do you search on amazon based on words in the book? I didn't see that option.
Hi, I'm in year 10, UK, which I think must be the equivalent of 9th grade, so although I mostly read adult books I am a big fan of fantasy, and this really sounds like my kind of book! So I wish you luck and if you don't find out through a post, please do post the book name-I would like to try it!
maddy42 wrote:Hi, I'm in year 10, UK, which I think must be the equivalent of 9th grade, so although I mostly read adult books I am a big fan of fantasy, and this really sounds like my kind of book! So I wish you luck and if you don't find out through a post, please do post the book name-I would like to try it!
Indeed I will maddy. I'm on a mission. I
will find out the title of this book even if I have to drive the 1,500 miles and search the library that has it myself. It may be a while, but I will definitely share when I'm privy to such information again.
avidreader - why don't you try your local main library. You can browse their books, and they probably have the same books that your school did/does. Especially the larger libraries. Browse the books on the shelves. . . .maybe something will look familiar.
Turner_727 wrote:avidreader - why don't you try your local main library. You can browse their books, and they probably have the same books that your school did/does. Especially the larger libraries. Browse the books on the shelves. . . .maybe something will look familiar.
That's a very good idea. Why didn't I think of that? Ha. Thank you for the suggestion, as I'm sure it will be faster and more effective than going through 100,000 search results or driving back to my old school. Thanks again. Keep your fingers crossed.
looking for fantasy book
Have you tried MAGICIANS OF ERIANNE by James Berry? It sounds similiar to what you described in your post. Hope this helps.
It sounds verrry familiar. Try Laurence Yep or Ursula LeGuin or Anne McCaffrey.
Re: looking for fantasy book
remy wrote:Have you tried MAGICIANS OF ERIANNE by James Berry? It sounds similiar to what you described in your post. Hope this helps.
That's the one!!!
Remy, I love you. Thank you so much! My head has never hurt so much since I started my quest to find this book and you've ended it. Thank you thank you thank you!!!