If you had of been an athlete and was running I could quite easily go with a pulled hammy. But you fell and we dont know your age. I know of one soldier who died from a corked leg muscle and you couldnt see any abnormality on the outside. On an unrelated matter, you can bleed to death into the upper leg and not leave much of an outside indicator until it is too late.
I didnt want to suggest any particular type of injury over the internet, but your symptoms are more in line with pressure on a nerve, either bleeding in the muscle at the top of the leg or possibly where the nerve leaves the spine.
You are naughty and should go to a doctors surgery as soon as you can. If you are feeling much better by then and dont wish to go, fine, but monitor it for future possible complications.
If it is a torn muscle, about 2 weeks. If it is a tendon tear, maybe 6 weeks. If you have put pressure on a nerve, it will probably re-affect you at a later date. All assuming it is not something worse. As for ice, increasingly they find more and more injuries that ice helps, and it never hurts if done correctly.