Whoo Hoo!
just got back from getting them done, and they look GREAT!
go back on Nov 9th for a followup, to adjust for color, maybe a little more, etc.
I'm going to have my eyeliner done at that time.
I forgot to have her take before/after pics.
I 'll try to put a pic this weekend.
Brows are a little red now, but that will be gone by tomorrow.
chai2, you are a fruitcake.
Well, I'm a fruitcake with very attractive eyebrows.
Nice. Now, I'm hearing that eyebrows are definately out of style. Sadness.
You know, men totally don't understand this.
This is important cool wimmen stuff.
Well, I do understand that I don't understand. It's been a decade or more since I had the notion that women go through this kind of thing for the sake of men. A woman doesn't get a manicure before a job interview to look good. She does it to feel good about herself. If it works, she has improved her chances of being offered the job.
I'm so glad you're pleased, Chai!

I look forward to seeing the pics tomorrow.
roger wrote:
Nice. Now, I'm hearing that eyebrows are definately out of style. Sadness.
you're actually onto something there, rogehhhh, as eyebrow and general makeup styles change over the years.
Nothing like seeing women with 1980's style eyebrows or eyeliner - it's kinda freaky - and it's a bugger to correct if they do catch on to the fact that they have out-of-date makeup permanently attached to their faces.
Have we got her skert yet?
saw one of them today. a delightful sight

you woulda enjoyed it
sorry I haven't posted a pic yet.
I am sooooo bad at taking a picture, downloading it, figuring out how to get in on the site. It's like a major ordeal for me.
dlowan....nope, didn't hurt a bit. she put some kind of numbing cream there, but I'll bet it wouldn't have made much difference. When she started plucking stray hairs I never bothered with (because I was hesitant to pull out the low volume of brow I had) THAT hurt like a bitch. I asked her if she had seen the 40 Year Old Virgin, as I was getting ready to pull "the waxing scene" with her. Not really, but you know how plucking a brow hair can hurt, even more when someone else is doing it.
Now, right on schedule, the skin that was tattoed is sloughing off. I'm a lizard woman. Only noticeable when you're within arms distance.
As far as style, I'm not worried.
It's not drastic in any way, just nicely arched, which is always a good look IMO. It's not a look that going to be going out of style.
Bottom line is, I am 100% satisfied.
Just as she said, as the skin is sloughing, the color is getting toned down, to the shad I wanted. On 11/9 I go for a touch up, which is part of the deal, and I'll get my eyeliner done then.
My eyeliner won't be heavy or anything, I'm going with a classic look.
Oh, if in 4 or 5 years I need it touched up again, it'll only be $150. If she's not around any longer, I'll get someone else to do it.
here's some pictures I took of myself when I got home from work today.
the eyebrows are finished, but I think the eyeliner is not enough. I'll have it made just a bit thicker when I go back in a few weeks for my touch up.
That looks very nice and also very natural, Chai. They certainly did a good job!
I just came back from having them touched up, about 14 months after the initial.
Since it's putting color on color, it shoudn't fade much at all.
I had my eyebrows redid, as well as eyeliner top and bottom.
Had the eyeliner put on a bit thicker. She did it with a purple so dark it's going toward black, which makes my eyes look greener.
Looks stupendous.
Took 2 hours to get everything done, and since it is a touch up, was only $300 total for everything.
Feels like I've got sand in my eyes right now, and can't wear mascara for a week or more, as the skin heals and peels.
even faded it looked good.