There is only one side of the story being put across by this poster. That is her side of her story and she has the right to talk, as does any poster.
When I read the posts I do not see a projection of hate.
The unwarranted harshness of your post ... well, you do not know her and simply to say the things you are terribly harsh in my opinion.
She, whatever the story, is asking for advice - not judge and jury on how she feels.
If all that she says is true - then what would your considered opinion. If you knew this was the truth - then please give a considered opinion on those facts - preferably to condemning this person from the get go.
I think is seems very unfair.
We all reaslise there are two sides to a story.
Stating quite clearly that in your opinion
No way are such children, at the ages given, is going to wish to cut off their father from their lives without the mother projecting hate and fear of him to her children.
I totally disagree with this comment.
You have lived your experiences and base your posts according. However, when someone is seeking advice, without motive from what I am reading, try and give a little benefit of the doubt that you obviously have.
The husband will always be "the birth father" - it does not make him a "Dad" or necessarily a good role model for the children. On the flip side, we do not know if he is a good or bad father - we can only go on what is being said - not on the judging a few words, which have been expanded on to give more clarification of the advice being sought.
Quote:You know it seem to me that the mother had been transmitting her fears and hate for the man who father her children to those children and off hand that is an unwise thing to do.
There is no proof to what you are stating... this is you assumption. If wrong Bill, consider that possibly you may be wrong here, please do not tar all ex'es by the same brush that you made been aware of in your experiences. It simply isn't a nice thing to do.
Someone is asking for some help... not a backlash - and some advice, if it seems good to her, may help/alter/change/give perspective to how she acts in the future.
Scaring people off with these projections you are seemingly making - i feel is harsh.
I don't know you Bill. Please try to read her words and not hear your words and perhaps the postings may not seem so dismissive of the posters question.
Thanku for listening, if you have read this. I don't mean to offend you - but I feel your posts here are so harsh towards someone you have never met and is crying out for help.
Not that that is any of my business and you are free to post whatever you wish. It's just quite sad so see somene new come to the forum and have a lashing.