Sun 4 Oct, 2009 10:34 am
Assalamu Alaikum,
I am in a problem and i need some explanation on the basis of Quran and Hadith. Now i am explaining the situation:
In hinduism, on the basis of Uponishod(the second holy book of hindus), "THIRD EYE" is a symbol of enlightment which is used to get rid of the loop of rebirth. Their one of the main god names "SHIVA" has a third eye on his forehead and they are used to worship him.
Now, me and some of my friends are developing a software firm. Before one month we named it "THIRD EYE LAB". But, now, i have come to know that in ISLAM it is strictly prohibited to use the symbols or names of others who are not in islam.
Now, can you tell me some deatils about using symbols of others and what is told in QURAN about it?? I am in need of your answer and suggestion very much. Thak you very much. ALLAH HAFIZ
Try to find a name that does not offend your future customers.
Do not look for your name from religious symbols. Use letters or colors or something from nature.