Thu 24 Sep, 2009 04:02 pm
When I first heard of this concept,
I thawt it was bogus nonsense,
but some people disagreed.
Thinking back to my own juvenile development, altho I held George Washington, Patrick Henry,
Douglas MacArthur and Herbert Philbrick in the very highest esteem,
I cannot truthfully say that I ever considered modeling my life after any person.
How about all of u ?
Have any of u made use of role models ?
If so, HOW ?
I like to feel like I am needed.
Charles Manson is my role model. Drugs sex guns and tatoos are my life.
I think it's great to have someone nearby (not some famous person) that you can look up to and maybe even idolize.
Mo idolizes my brother who is a truly excellent human being in every sense of the word. It's obvious to Mo that my brother is a pretty important guy but he's also his goofy uncle who dotes on him whenever we see him.
I'm glad Mo chose a "hero" that he gets to know personally because I think heros are very important.