I agree. Credit should be given where credit is due. For example, akarpokhrel, I can tell by your poor spelling, improper grammar and improper syntax that you wrote this yourself. I started to fix your sentences but I got tired and stopped:
(W)hat do you guys think about plagiarism detection(?) (I)s it good or bad?
(First) (sp) of all(,) i started this topic because of my class and we had to engage our audience, and i am "very pro (regarding) (sp)" (change to 'in favor of) plagiarism detection. There are many college students (eliminate comma) (who) copy many things from (the) internet and (do) not give credit for (their sources). I am very strict about giving people credit(period). (W)hen i get something out of the internet books, or any other (resource) (sp). If you guys agree to this please respond..