Have you never heard the term "functioning alcoholic"? This person is able to drink alcohol all day for that matter and never appear drunk, slur words or give any indication that they are intoxicated. They hold jobs, are parents, spouses, etc. and no one knows...until that alcoholic gets into the evening hours (usually) whereby now they have drank enough that now they appear intoxicated. So the spouse, et al., assume they are a light weight drinker because he/she only witnessed a few drinks. But they are shitfaced by now. Let's consider one other thing, what if she and hubby were hittin' that bottle pretty good late into the prior evening, the alcohol not leaving her system enough before the morning hours whereby she started drinking again. It wouldn't take much, certainly less than 10 drinks to get high, but 10 more drinks after a night of binging should make any woman her size shitfaced. To smoke pot on top of that could very easily explain her condition. She made the decision to be stinko drunk. She was a murderer.