Hi to all friends. I have been gone for a bit (writing love songs, recording). Not sure how long I will say around to tend this discussion.
I want to voice my opposition to an out in the world philosophy/religion/political tool. In the last few months I have gone though transformation of mind body and soul. I think I'm a democrat now, but that is another thread entirely. Perhaps I always been a democrat in denial.
The reason why I have awakened from my sleep to post this thread is that I really feel passionate at voicing my love for humanity.
God so loved the world... so why can't I?
To reverse this fear and turn it into love...
I have two stories for you.
One is my best friend who I admire more than i I can say. He came to me and on several occasions remarked how that the news has gotten so bad that the end must assuredly be near. I entertained this idea because he is my friend and I have learned much from him. I mulled it over for a few days then I approached him. I mentioned Nostradamus and then it occurred to me and i asked him how do you really know the end is near? I reasoned, what about the children of today, should they grow up with no hope of a life or to just believe that there is no point because it is all over for them, so eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we will die. He suddenly found a hope himself and lately our outlook has been grand.
The other story is a friend of mine that is a non practicing Jehovah's witness. For a number of years he has always talked to me about a post apocalyptic world as if this world is of no real relevance.
I mentioned all of the prophecies of the book of revelations, about tribulations, four horses of the apocalypse, and the world in utter destruction. My friend seems to have now seen the light.
Well the old testament kept the world in its grasp of fear of divine destruction i.e. of Sodom and Gomorrah, the desolation of desolations and Armageddon in the new testament and two thousand years later the world is still fruitful, relatively peaceful, and we have inhabited the whole earth.
Yet there is still fear of "the end". Why must there be an end? Why must this doom and disaster befall us? Has all of life from the dinosaurs to humankind really been so terrible? If God so loved the world, why does God hate it now?
I personally love the world, I believe in the the goodness of humanity. I believe the future holds greater unconditional love that is boundless, brotherhood and a lasting nurturing of this home we call earth, rather than a place of fear and doom.
Why politics? Becasue both fear and love are often used by our governemts to motivate its people. People need to be motivated from within by truth and hope in themselves.
Nostradamus died without seeing his dire predictions of destruction, agony, death, suffering and intolerance come into fruition.
It has been two thousand years since the authors of the bible wrote these words of warning "the end is near..."
All major religions predict doom for mankind and many believe that is is soon. Considering that at least 80% of the world believe in some sort of doom prophecy for the world it is no wonder that the world cannot find peace.
I suggest that people stop believing in the religion of "the end of the world" and start believing in the science of the perpetuation of life. For if God so loved the world... so should we.