A rabbi, priest and minister were having an ecumenical fishing trip, out on a lake, when they heard a deep voice coming from behind a cloud:
"In two weeks it will rain for 60 days; the water will rise hundreds of feet; this is the end!"
The three clergymen looked at each other and agreed they should advise their respective flocks.
The minister called an emergency meeting and told his congregation that the end is near, God told him so, and all should pray for Salvation. They then left the church while singing a hymn.
The priest called an emergency meeting and told his parish that the end is near, God told him so, and all should go to the confessional, so they can meet again in Heaven. People lined up for Confession.
The rabbi called an emergency meeting and told his congregation that the end is near because God is going to make it rain for 60 days, and the water will rise hundreds of feet. Continuing with the news a lady in the front row interrupted, "Rabbi, what does this mean?" The rabbi stood silent for a moment and then looked at his congregation and said, "What can it mean? We have two weeks to learn how to live under water!"