Quote:WHEN one is heard, it is a right. That was defined by the USSC when they compared free speech with money expended on media messages. SO, apparently your argument needs some touching up.
But money spent on media messages does NOT have to be accepted.
If I own a tv station, I do not have to accept your money to let you advertise, I dont have to accept anyones money.
I can decide that nobody can put political ads on my station, if I choose.
So, that negates your "right" to be heard.
Tell me, does the bum on the street corner screaming have the "right" to be heard?
Does a pro kiddie porn group have the "right" to be heard?
If they do, then that means you MUST listen to them.
Do you?
Quote:Being heard is a business decision by a media investor. Therefore None of the first amendment rights are abrdiged in the process.
But that contradicts your claim that there is a "right" to be heard.
If that "right" actually existed, a business owner would have no choice but to accpet that money.
If a business owner has a choice, there is no "right" to be heard.
Because a business owner could prevent you from being heard by simply not allowing you to advertise on his particular media outlet.