Reply Sun 10 May, 2009 02:07 pm
Limbaugh is the embodiment of Schulberg's "Lonesome Roads", a demagogue radio personality in the 50's who used and manipulated his audience like they were hamsters.

He should lose all his sensory equipment. I have no concern about him at all. Hes evil.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 May, 2009 02:53 pm
This is almost too funny.

The same people on here that are attacking Limbaugh and hoping for all types of bad things to happen to him are the same ones that crucify waterman and others that say the same things about Obama and the dems.

Why is that?

And why are any of you so worried about Rush?
He is a radio personality, much like Paul Harvey was, or like Bob and Tom.

None of them are politicians, none of them are candidates fo any office, so what does it matter what they have to say?
Reply Sun 10 May, 2009 03:32 pm

Oh ye of vast (or isit half vast) superior insights, let I tell you that Paul Harvey only went verbally after the Russians and the Nazis, never the presidents of the US. Limbaugh is a hateful demagogue, short and sweet.
Your comparison has no substance to it.

Reply Sun 10 May, 2009 03:37 pm
But Paul Harvey was still a radio personality.
He had no political power, nor did he ever run for any political office (that I know of).

For you to actually think that Limbaugh is anything more then an entertainer is actulaay laughable.

Tell me, do you believe that actors that play doctors on TV have actual medical knowledge?

Or do you believe that ANY comments that go after ANY President are hateful?
Reply Sun 10 May, 2009 03:45 pm
I also recall a rather lengthy monologue that Paul Harvey gave critcizing George 41 for breaking his no new Taxes pledge. He was critical of Bill Clinton's most aggregious sins and he was highly critical of George 43's spendthrift ways. Rush has more daily time than Harvey had and a more strident and flamboyant style and he gets into detail much more than Harvey did, and sometimes he is wrong, sometimes he is obnoxious, and sometimes he crosses the line into bad taste.

But Rush has never, and I repeat never said anything as cruel or hateful about anything or anybody as what is being leveled at him by self-professed open-minded liberals.

Just to keep the record straight.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 May, 2009 03:46 pm
I suggest that you read Schulbergs "A Face in the Crowd". According to you then, only being an elected official gives one the rights of being heard.
Several organizations , including cultural organizations, Lobby Groups, as well as announcers and entertainers each have substantial influence in normal politics. If you dont know that, youve learned something new today.

I would hold off on telling people that something is "laughable" until you can speak from a 360 perspective. (Just a hint so that you wont sound foolish next time)

The article "Rush Limbaugh Ate the GOP" in this months Vanity Fair , created quite a stir among party officials (including Mr Steel who quickly deferred and apoligized to Rush for "breaking ranks" with the Limbaogian mantra.
Reply Sun 10 May, 2009 03:50 pm
If conservative talk show hosts had the power you presume to assign to them, Bill Clinton would never have been elected - twice - John McCain would not have been the GOP candidate, and Obama would not be president.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 May, 2009 03:52 pm
I suggest that you read Schulbergs "A Face in the Crowd". According to you then, only being an elected official gives one the rights of being heard.

Not at all, because nobody has the RIGHT to be heard.
Everyone has the RIGHT to free speech, but that doesnt mean that anyone has to listen.
And if you disagree, please show where the right to be HEARD exists in the Constitution.
If such a right existed, then you would have to, by law, listen to Rush everyday.
And I would have to, by law, listen to every liberal commentator out there.

So, do you still maintain that there is a "right to be heard"?

Several organizations , including cultural organizations, Lobby Groups, as well as announcers and entertainers each have substantial influence in normal politics. If you dont know that, youve learned something new today.

And your point is?
Evey person in the country has the right (and responsibility) to try and influence politics to their liking.

I would hold off on telling people that something is "laughable" until you can speak from a 360 perspective. (Just a hint so that you wont sound foolish next time)

Sorry, but your idea that Rush is that powerful is laughable.

The article "Rush Limbaugh Ate the GOP" in this months Vanity Fair , created quite a stir among party officials (including Mr Steel who quickly deferred and apoligized to Rush for "breaking ranks" with the Limbaogian mantra.

And thats Rush's fault?
It tells me that repub party officials have no balls, and wont stand up for their convictions.
Reply Sun 10 May, 2009 04:09 pm
Not at all, because nobody has the RIGHT to be heard.
WHEN one is heard, it is a right. That was defined by the USSC when they compared free speech with money expended on media messages. SO, apparently your argument needs some touching up.

Being heard is a business decision by a media investor. Therefore None of the first amendment rights are abrdiged in the process.
Reply Sun 10 May, 2009 04:26 pm
WHEN one is heard, it is a right. That was defined by the USSC when they compared free speech with money expended on media messages. SO, apparently your argument needs some touching up.

But money spent on media messages does NOT have to be accepted.
If I own a tv station, I do not have to accept your money to let you advertise, I dont have to accept anyones money.
I can decide that nobody can put political ads on my station, if I choose.
So, that negates your "right" to be heard.

Tell me, does the bum on the street corner screaming have the "right" to be heard?
Does a pro kiddie porn group have the "right" to be heard?

If they do, then that means you MUST listen to them.
Do you?

Being heard is a business decision by a media investor. Therefore None of the first amendment rights are abrdiged in the process.

But that contradicts your claim that there is a "right" to be heard.
If that "right" actually existed, a business owner would have no choice but to accpet that money.
If a business owner has a choice, there is no "right" to be heard.
Because a business owner could prevent you from being heard by simply not allowing you to advertise on his particular media outlet.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 May, 2009 07:05 pm
[Is your only point surrounding your lengthy "quote mine" That if I have free speech then you have a similar right not to listen ?.

Is that your entire point? Why dont you spend more time trying to merely cobble a more concise argument to which I would no doubt agree.(if that is your only point).
Is there something else to which you want to call my attention?

Some of these "quotes"and responses could be made shorter if wed just say what we want to express and be done.

Time formore chicken soup and tea, gnight
Reply Sun 10 May, 2009 07:06 pm
My point about Rush being that powerful is not my observation, Ive lifted it from several sources of news including FOX. If you wanna argue and laugh go talk to someone who gives a **** about your alleged sense of humor.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 May, 2009 07:49 pm
For you to actually think that Limbaugh is anything more then an entertainer is actulaay laughable.

I guess you should tell Cheney about this MM..
Cheney backs Limbaugh over Powell for GOP future
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 May, 2009 10:55 pm
And in the current issue of the Telegraph:

Not funny: Barack Obama laughs at Wanda Sykes "joke" about wanting Rush Limbaugh dead
Posted By: Toby Harnden at May 10, 2009

What was Wanda Sykes thinking? Perhaps more to the point, what was President Barack Obama thinking when he laughed and smiled as the comedienne wished Rush Limbaugh dead?

Although the Left is reporting her White House Correspondents' Dinner speech as "taking shots" at Limbaugh and mocking everyone, that's a gross misrepresentation of what turned into a hateful and disgusting diatribe.

I was at the dinner and I began by laughing at Sykes's gentle teases about the press loving Obama so much they never capture him on film smoking but often seem to get him on the beach.

It was amusing when she quipped that Obama trying so hard to be all things to all men that the next thing is he'll be seen mowing the White House lawn.

But the speech took a very ugly turn when she laid into Limbaugh.

This is what she said: "Rush Limbaugh said he hopes this administration fails, so you're saying, 'I hope America fails', you're, like, 'I dont care about people losing their homes, their jobs, our soldiers in Iraq'. He just wants the country to fail. To me, that's treason.

"He's not saying anything differently than what Osama bin Laden is saying. You know, you might want to look into this, sir, because I think Rush Limbaugh was the 20th hijacker. But he was just so strung out on OxyContin he missed his flight."

She then concluded: "Rush Limbaugh, I hope the country fails, I hope his kidneys fail, how about that? He needs a good waterboarding, that's what he needs." Obama seemed to think this bit was pretty hilarious, grinning and chuckling and turning to share the "joke" with the person sitting on his right.

There's not much room for differing interpretations of what Sykes said. She called Limbaugh a terrorist and a traitor, suggested that he be tortured and wished him dead.

What was his crime? Hoping that Obama's policies - which he views as socialist - will fail.

That's way, way beyond reasoned debate or comedy and Obama's reaction to it was astonishing.

Imagine if a comedian "joked" that Obama was a terrorist who was guilty of treason and should be tortured and allowed to die. There would justifiably be an outcry.

But when the "joke" comes from a liberal, Obama-supporting comedienne and the target is a right-winger then the likes of Hilary Rosen and Donna Brazile are on CNN saying it's just comedy and Limbaugh is "fair game".

And Obama laughing when someone wishes Limbaugh dead? Hard to take from the man who promised a new era of civility and elevated debate in Washington.

Watch the video. What do you think?

But no suggestions from the media that any apology be rendered.

Consider the reaction, however, to this equally tasteless joke:

Golf Analyst Feherty Sorry for Pelosi Joke in Dallas Magazine
CBS Sports golf analyst David Feherty apologized Sunday to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid for a morbid joke that went bad in a Dallas magazine.
AP - Sunday, May 10, 2009

PONTE VEDRA BEACH, Fla. -- CBS Sports golf analyst David Feherty apologized Sunday to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid for a morbid joke that went bad in a Dallas magazine.

Feherty, one of the most popular golf analysts for his sharp wit and self-deprecating humor, was among five Dallas residents who wrote for "D Magazine" on former President George W. Bush moving to Dallas.

"From my own experience visiting the troops in the Middle East, I can tell you this though," Feherty wrote toward the end of his column.

"Despite how the conflict has been portrayed by our glorious media, if you gave any U.S. soldier a gun with two bullets in it, and he found himself in an elevator with Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Osama bin Laden, there's a good chance that Nancy Pelosi would get shot twice, and Harry Reid and bin Laden would be strangled to death."

Feherty, a former Ryder Cup player who grew up in Northern Ireland, has gone to Iraq over Thanksgiving the past two years to visit with U.S. troops, and he created a foundation to help wounded soldiers.

"This passage was a metaphor meant to describe how American troops felt about our 43rd president," Feherty said in a statement. "In retrospect, it was inappropriate and unacceptable, and has clearly insulted Speaker Pelosi and Senator Reid, and for that, I apologize. As for our troops, they know I will continue to do as much as I can for them both at home and abroad."

Feherty has lived in Dallas the past dozen years. Along with working for CBS Sports, he writes a monthly column for Golf magazine and has written four books, the last one titled, "An Idiot for All Season."

CBS Sports distanced itself from Feherty's writing, saying it was "an unacceptable attempt at humor and is not in any way condoned, endorsed or approved" by the network. The PGA Tour also criticized him for an attempt at humor that "went over the line."

CBS is not broadcasting The Players Championship this week. The network resumes its PGA Tour coverage next week in San Antonio with the Valero Texas Open.

response from MSNBC


And a bunch of others listed on OneNewsSource:

Reply Sun 10 May, 2009 11:15 pm
Sounds like one of Limbaugh's own diatribes...I'd have thought he'd see the joke himself.

I don't like them personally, from any side (while the Obama jokes sound very funny)...but I'd think Limbaugh richly deserves such stuff, given as how he markets it for a living.
Reply Mon 11 May, 2009 08:23 am
I would have less problem if the laughter or criticism was equally applied. Like Wanda Sykes doesn't market for a living?

David Feherty shouldn't get pass for tasteless joke - but neither should Wanda Sykes
Updated Monday, May 11th 2009, 8:34 AM

Here is what David Feherty, a golf guy who poses no threat to the memory of Lenny Bruce, wrote in a Dallas magazine recently:

"If you gave any U.S. soldier a gun with two bullets in it, and he found himself in an elevator with Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Osama Bin Laden, there's a good chance that Nancy Pelosi would get shot twice, and Harry Reid and Bin Laden would be strangled to death."

Not funny. An old joke, tastelessly retold. Feherty of CBS - who once wrote a book called "Somewhere in Ireland a Village is Missing an Idiot" - is drawing fire because of it. But you have to wonder how a similar joke might have played at the White House Correspondents' dinner on Saturday night, as long as it was about a Republican.

Because here are a couple of jokes Wanda Sykes wrote and then delivered to that crowd:

"You know, you might want to look into this, [President Obama], because I think maybe Rush Limbaugh was the 20th hijacker, but he was just so strung out on OxyContin he missed his flight. ...

"Rush Limbaugh hopes the country fails? I hope his kidneys fail, how 'bout that?"

Somehow Ms. Sykes got laughs with this material, and draws no fire. It is all supposed to be about the setting, or so we are told. President Obama was there, the dinner is always the Washington version of a Friars Club Roast, just without the Sopranos language.

So Sykes, a comedian, gets a pass because of where she was, and whom she was talking about. And maybe who she is. David Feherty, who fancies himself a bit of a comic himself, doesn't, at least not so far. As always, the rules on all this change from day to day like baseball's strike zone.

This isn't about condoning what Feherty wrote. It sure isn't about running interference for Limbaugh. He has become the clown at the right-wing circus and has had the bully pulpit for a long time, not just banging away at people who think like President Obama - or Wanda Sykes for that matter - for a long time.

Limbaugh is another gasbag in this country who has gotten rich on meanness, and so if he is getting a taste of his own medicine now, prescription or otherwise, that is probably just swell with the people he has trampled on the way to the buffet table. Then the bank.

But what if Limbaugh, white talk show host, goes on the air and says that Sykes, black comedian, is about half-a-terrorist and that, oh by the way, he hopes she dies? Is he allowed to say he's just an entertainer, and tell everybody to lighten up?

Feherty? He has been condemned by representatives from Pelosi and Reid and even the PGA Tour. CBS issued a statement that said, "Feherty's column for a Dallas magazine is an unacceptable attempt at humor and is not in any way condoned."

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/2009/05/11/2009-05-11_a_red_herring_called_wanda.html#ixzz0FCvbWmQq&B
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 May, 2009 11:34 am
"Despite how the conflict has been portrayed by our glorious media, if you gave any U.S. soldier a gun with two bullets in it, and he found himself in an elevator with Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Osama bin Laden, there's a good chance that Nancy Pelosi would get shot twice, and Harry Reid and bin Laden would be strangled to death."

"Rush Limbaugh hopes the country fails? I hope his kidneys fail, how 'bout that?"

i see a huge difference in these to jokes

the first could influence somebody to action, the second is not an action that an individual could influence

that being said, any person who puts themselves in the public eye is fair game as far i'm concerned

Reply Mon 11 May, 2009 11:48 am
I'm sure you believe that you believe that. But it flies in the face of all the evidence of the high degree of indignation and outrage leveled at ANY conservative whether politico or entertainer or sports figure whatever who uses any kind of politically incorrect humor while those on the Left are generally pretty much shrugged off or given a pass.

I'm fairly sure you would not be the least bit tolerant if Rush has quipped that he hoped Obama's kidney failed. Such would have been emblazoned across the front page of every newspaper and led every newscast for days.

It wouldn't matter if the outrage from the Left didn't result in demands for people to be reprimanded or censured or fired. But they often do demand that while they don't think humor or politically incorrect rhetoric just as offensive from their own camp should suffer any consequences.

It is that double standard that drives reasonable people nuts.
Reply Mon 11 May, 2009 12:53 pm
i've always been a fan of "politically incorrect" radio, first howard stern and now opie & anthony and ron & fez, i don't think anybody should be reprimanded over words, i may not agree or think something is in bad taste, but the right to say it is paramount

0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 May, 2009 01:06 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
I'm fairly sure you would not be the least bit tolerant if Rush has quipped that he hoped Obama's kidney failed. Such would have been emblazoned across the front page of every newspaper and led every newscast for days.

i would find it in bad taste, and personally i think that rush is a creep, but if he said it, ce'st la vie, people would have a right to be outraged, and he might have to apologize, but he shouldn't be fired

a slight addendum to what i said in the post above, outright death threats are a different matter, if any media person makes those kind of statements they should be fired in my opinion

any thing else is fair game, race, religion, sexual orientation, handicaps, bring it on
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