Linkat wrote:
I would like to be comfortable and get the space I am entitled to.
I think comfort and entitlement are way overrated.
I wouldn't care about discomfort, and whoever is next to me can have any space I'm not occupying
@High Seas,
My my I never needed to pay for an elevator trip in my life!
Once more when had humans been price in the same manner as cargo in the history of the humna race?
Hell the idea of making people paid for using the rest rooms had now come up!
For myself I hope they enjoy cleaning up my seat if they try to force me to paid for using that room on a flight.
Ssfety when babies are allow to set on parents laps?
Give me a break with that silliness.
My position can be sum up that the airlines are common carriers and if they wish to offer a service to the public it is all the public or none of the public not a sub-set of the public that meet their own created set of guidelines.
Some of the public will for one reason or another end up costing more then others members of the public to accommodate but I see no reason to allow them to break out this cost in the special case of heavier people then for blind people or people in wheel chairs or tall people or real short people or whatever they can come up with in the future.
Now if someone would wish to set up a private airline charter company that only will fly people less then a 120 pounds or shorter then 6 feet or whatever that is fine with me but not a common carrier.
Well, it's the way it's done. If you're gonna crash, what help is a baby seat?
chai2 wrote:I wouldn't care about discomfort, and whoever is next to me can have any space I'm not occupying
Well, if you fly 15 hours you would care!
Why don't they integrate wider seats especially for obese flyers and it would
be the end of such discussions. Instead of having 3 seats in a row, there could
be a few rows with only 2 seats that are wider to accommodate them, so
everyone is happy, except the airlines who lose a few seats in capacity.
@old europe,
Yeah, first and business class, but not for coach - unless it's an oversea flight.
Then they'd have to widen the middle rows to two seater instead of 3 or 4
I swear, every time I fly I feel like we're jammed in like livestock!
cj wrote :
Quote: I swear, every time I fly I feel like we're jammed in like livestock!
that's why they call it "cattle class" !
the airlines claim that when they ask if flyers they would be willing to pay "extra" for extra space , the answer is usually : "i just want the cheapest fare !" - and that's what we get .
btw british airways and virgin have "premium economy" - where you have more space - but some travellers ar still not happy :
Quote: Have travelled BA WTP Sydney / London on 3 occasions. Originally very good value but standard is slipping badly .
Recently toilets are dirtier as a result of intrusion from normal Economy.
(the nerve of them trying to use PLUS toilets - let them go outside ! )
It is only a dedicated cabin if the curtains remain closed. and intrusion is prohibited. Flight attendant service is also slipping and food is not a strong point. BA should remember that most WTP flyers are more mature self -funded passengers
They should be charged not by weight but by ass size. My brother has the largest ass I have ever seen on a man and could easily occupy two seats. I, on the other hand, have hardly any ass at all and a small person could scrunch up beside me and still get the seat belt on.
I fly a lot. I`ve sat beside a woman who loudly chewed gum from Florida to Texas not even the earphones could cover the gum flapping. In between two huge fat men - no elbow room, two huge fat arms boxing me in... and one guy stunk, actually took his shoes off. I`ve sat in the window seat beside a handicapped woman and her two children and couldn`t get out to the washroom for 5 hours! Had kids kick the back of my seat for hours, delays, cancellations, lost or destroyed luggage, bad food, or worse a 6 hour flight to Mexico, no food, because American airlines doesn`t transport Canadian grub across the border...
I get searched every time I go through airports in the States, on one trip, 7 times in a row. Stood in lines forever, in the heat, waiting, waiting, waiting...
Airlines show utter contempt for their passengers. I`m used to it now, there is no passenger bill of rights. I`m pissed because most airlines still haven`t drop their gas surcharges. I`m pissed when I get on a plane and I can`t get a carry on in the over head cause somebody has packed a trunk. I`m pissed when I`m stuffed between people who weigh twice my weight and I`m paying 50 bucks for being one pound over on the suitcase. I`m pissed when I pay for a seat and the guy next to me takes half of it.
But, I guess it`s better than driving for days or hours on end.
So, I bite my lip and bend over like the rest of the `Cattle`.
Thanks for letting me rant.
Yeah Ceili, flying is not for sissies these days. I have learned to assert
myself though when sitting next to men who take over the arm rest - I push my
elbows on the armrest and keep it there no matter what. Usually I am in an
isle seat, so I have only one person next to me who needs some pushing.
I can be as nice as they are, and I can be as rude as they are!
I returned a couple of months ago from a business trip and flew cattle-class as usual for 14 hrs..

Next to me was a - a really really fat (indian) lady - who was really sweet to me but then she took almost half my seat. I tried to be as nice as possible with "auntie" but then 14 hrs tests your patience.
I don't really want to blame fat people (what if it was a pregnant woman who had gotten really fat)....
I think it's the airlines' responsibility to ensure everyone gets (at least!) one seat.
I agree - I used to pay for a seat for my infants - especially when I found out that it was half the fare. Makes for a more comfortable flight and safer.
Would those seats cost more money as it takes up more space? Sounds like business class to me which most (especially longer flights) already have.
I agree the seats should be wider - but if that would to happen we would all have to pay the price - there would be less seats per flight increasing the cost per passenager.
I read an article on my last flight... it was on the new design for seating being put into new commercial planes. I think I like it.
The Supreme Court of Canada agrees with you, Linkat; it ruled that obese passengers have the right to two seats for the price of one on flights within Canada. Airlines there ask those passengers provide a doctor's certificate to the effect they're so fat as to be considered medically disabled, but Canadian doctors aren't happy with the decision, saying that whether someone fits into a seat or not isn't a medical question. A mess: