Is this supposed to be funny or is this representative of you line of work?
much as i hate to admit it, the fair tax or flat tax makes the most sense
djjd62 wrote:
much as i hate to admit it, the fair tax or flat tax makes the most sense

I have not seen a better plan and I wish I had come up with it
see i'm not a complete dick (well except about the gun thing, and you won't change my mind on that)
David Shuster nailed this whole bullshit issue pretty clearly on Countdown last night -
Quote:The people who came up with it are a familiar circle of Republicans, including former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and former House Majority Leader Dick Armey, both of whom have firm support from right wing financiers and lobbyists. … We can only speculate why widespread tea bagging made [Neil] Cavuto think of the Million Man march, unless he got them confused with Dick Armey. And in Cavuto’s defense, if you are planning simultaneous tea bagging all around the country, you’re going to need a Dick Armey.
at least an Army of Dicks
Cyclotroll and farmerman are marching in David Shuster's bullshit Army of tiny Dicks.
They are here and they are insignificant - get used to it.
Now hes on a penus envy thing. Whats next squirty, Chevy versus Ford?
farmerman is searching for penis...
it turns out that the tea parties don’t represent a spontaneous outpouring of public sentiment. They’re AstroTurf (fake grass roots) events, manufactured by the usual suspects. In particular, a key role is being played by FreedomWorks, an organization run by Richard Armey, the former House majority leader, and supported by the usual group of right-wing billionaires. And the parties are, of course, being promoted heavily by Fox News.
But that’s nothing new, and AstroTurf has worked well for Republicans in the past. The most notable example was the “spontaneous” riot back in 2000 " actually orchestrated by G.O.P. strategists " that shut down the presidential vote recount in Florida’s Miami-Dade County
To repeat.
I was going to post the Krugman piece until I saw that you beat me to it. Once again, he is spot on.
Spot on.
But, it looks like he missed a spot of man juice dribbling down his cheek... won't you give him a wipe comrade?
Don't give up your day job. Your stuff is pretty witless.
Your stuff is petty liberal projection.
It will not be petty or pretty. You will be flushed, water-guy.
Advocate, your fantasy world must get quite lonely.
Mental masturbation is your strong suit and you wear it well.
“Taxpayer Tea Party” to be held at the Veterans Memorial at Pittsburg State University.
Quote:First, just so we're all on the same page, according to the Joplin Globe Jenkins will be in Pittsburg tomorrow at 5 p.m. for the protest. While the fact my Member of Congress is lending any credence she might have to an event like this makes me ill, the fact she's going isn't surprising and not that big of a deal. The big deal is the location of the protest: The Veterans Memorial Amphitheater at Pittsburg State University.
From the Pittsburg Morning Sun:
For 17 months during the Korean War, Bob Roberts took part in combat missions as a soldier in the United States Army.
After reflecting on his time in uniform on Monday, Roberts said, “That makes me a really old geezer.”
It also makes him something else: a veteran. And it’s for the latter that he has a problem with tomorrow’s “Taxpayer Tea Party” to be held at the Veterans Memorial at Pittsburg State University.
It’s not the message he takes issue with, but rather the location.
“This is something that really upset me,” he said. “The Veterans Memorial, as far as I’m concerned, is hallowed ground. To have a partisan, political ‘tea party’ there really offends my sensibilities.”
As it should, as it should.
The article from the Morning Sun has quote from other veterans who are equally displeased.
Bob Torbett is the director of the American Legion Riders and a member of the Kansas Patriot Guard, which is different than the PGR who will attend the rally. He also is the son of a World War II veteran. He opposes having the “tea party” at the Veterans Memorial.
“It’s everybody’s right to have a protest, but our complaint is that it’s at the Veterans Memorial,” he said, speaking on behalf of the ALR. “Most people think of the Veterans Memorial as a sacred place. It’s a place to reflect, to remember why we’re here today and the people who have sacrificed for that.”
Charles Heath, Commander of American Legion Post 64, said, he believes in the right to free speech, but he also takes issue with the site of the upcoming rally.
“I’m not so sure the Veterans Memorial is the appropriate place for a tax protest,” he said.
Not surprisingly, the local organizers of the event wouldn't comment to the newspaper, though the local GOP county chairman said no one needed to be upset because the teabagging protests simply aren't "political."
I beg to disagree- so does the local Democratic Party chairwoman:
“I think the choice of the local Veterans Memorial to hold what appears to be a partisan, political group is not such a good idea,” said Crawford County Democratic Chairwoman Beth Bradrick. “Those pavers were paid for by local people, and now they are being used as a pathway to a right-wing, partisan event.”
Jenkins herself wasn't available for comment, which isn't any surprise. Her press secretary did say the congresswoman intended no disrespect to veterans by rallying against...whatever it is these protests are protesting...in their place for quiet reflection. But, dang it, it's just too important to rally against...stuff...than to worry about upsetting some silly old veterans!
What’s going on in Washington now, with spending and taxes, affects everyone " from veterans to small businesses and single moms and working families. The congresswoman feels it’s important to talk about these issues.”
Jenkins' disregard for where she holds her protests- and these are protests, folk, not just speeches and cupcakes- has drawn a counter protest.
To make their grievances well known, Roberts said several local veterans and their supporters plan to stage a demonstration of their own during Wednesday’s “tea party.” He said it will be their way of protesting the use of the Veterans Memorial for the “partisan event.”
“Soldiers are not Republicans or Democrats,” Roberts said. “They’re Americans.”
Here's hoping there are more people protesting the teabaggers than there to do the teabagging.
While I know it will do no good, I will ask my representative, Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins, to do the right thing- tell the organizers of the teabagging protest that you aren't going unless they move it. Have your silly protest anywhere else, but let's not use Veterans' Memorials for a partisan political protest.
I am wondering why these tea parties are not called "blame American first crowd" or some such thing. They protest taxes, the left protest unjustified wars, that is why America is all about, but I bet now that there is a democrat in office all that talk about not being patriotic if you don't support the president's actions will be thrown out the window. I also bet there will be more dissent about wire tapping against groups who are anti immigration or anti tax or what ever right wing issue has people in extremist positions.
Rightwing Extremism: Current
Economic and Political Climate Fueling
Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment
For the record I think these groups have the right congregate and talk about whatever they want. It is just that left wing extremist groups (such as environmentalist or anti-war) have been the subject of intelligence analysis for years now so don't think the right wing groups are singled out.
Quote: Mental masturbation is my strong suit and I wear it well
Im amazed that he can even spell it.
hold the rallies outside irs buildings or state legislatures, why a veterans memorial anything