@New Mum to be,
Please don't go back to him don't put his name
On the birth certificate & he won't have any
control over you the rest of your life, I made the
mistake of staying & now he can use custody
threats against me even though I've been looking
After our child while he goes out does what he
Wants - I fell pregnant same way you did! I
only wished I'd left whilst pregnant if he's acted
like a snake & threaten you that he will take yr
Child DONT trust him a good man doesn't
do this ... you & bub deserve a peaceful environment
& a nicer man in yr future with more stability
.. screw the lack of support family & friends
Show you r strong enough & prayer yr angels
& god will keep you 2 out of harms way xxx
Love & inner strength from me .. if u can tell
Him you'll only go back if he signs an agreement
that if he gets abusive u have full custody
Otherwise he can go jump , u hold the powe
right now not him don't forget that ...