Fri 22 Nov, 2002 03:24 pm
Microsoft has found serious vulnerabilities in all their operating systems except XP. Here's the article about it:
Link to Microsoft Operating Systems Vulnerability Article
I would strongly suggest that all of you, except for you lucky folks with XP, go quick as a bunny to "Windows Updates", and download the patch!
P.S. This is the first update that Microsoft has written in plain English. Yippee!
I did not mean to imply that XP had NO vulnerabilities. Heaven forfend that Microsoft should build a perfect operating system. It was just that this particular alert had no application to XP.
Excellent advice, Phoenix. I might add that XP DOES have vulnerabilities as well. In fact, on the Microsoft XP Update site, there is a many-megabyte "Critical Update" called "SP-1" which addresses most of the flaws discovered and corrected through about September of this year. There are also subsequent updates, patches, and new drivers available. All users should keep their Operating System up-to-date, whether by manual or automatic means. Also, a good, constantly updated Anti-Virus program is a must. Many users install an Anti Virus program, then never bother to check the vendor's website for updates. This is truly foolish, as the script-kiddies and hackers "Never Sleep" ... the next big virus, worm, or trojan most folks get could have been blocked had only their Anti-Virus Program been current. At the very least, users should check for both Operating System and Anti-Virus updates at least monthly ... more frequently is best. The inconvenience involved is far less than that resulting from a crashed or virus-ridden machine.
Must confess I had to check the What's Windows Update box. However, I then consulted with my IT friend and downloaded it. Thank you Phonix.
I downloaded it. Thanks Phoenix :-D Every little bit counts.