Several thoughts on huge numbers when talking about "money."
I remember some years ago when I traveled quite extensively, and found some currency exchange with the US dollar were thousands this and thousands that. If my memory serves, I remember the Italian money was 3000 to US $1.
I also remember when I visited Poland many years ago when the inflation rate was astronomical, and their currency was increasing by digits almost every month. They finally issued new Zlotys (I think that's what they were called) to replace the zeros.
I also worked with companies where I had to estimate the monthly sales and net profit. My first management position was with Florsheim Shoe Company where monthly sales were always in the millions, and I really had to adjust for cost difference for the holiday season, because sales were the highest during those months, and payroll took a smaller percentage of sales.
As for the current stimulus plan with spending in the trillions, IMHO, is a necessary evil. The government must do all they can to save our economy which was worth about 14-trillion/year. I only disagree with how they are allocating those funds heavily favoring too many social programs over the creation of jobs. Without jobs, the tax base will stay too low to pay for any expansion of social services, and creates an unnecessary handicap for future growth.
I also believe Obama's belief that he can cut the deficit in half by 2013 is a pipe dream. Without the increase in jobs and tax base, it's going to be impossible to pay for all those expansion of social programs.
Another interesting observation; our county will be hit by Obama's new taxation policy to tax those making $250,000 and more. We have the highest percentage of those making that income in the US.
It's interesting to note that during this time of deflation, our government will be adding those trillions into our economy. How that will impact the short-term and long-term inflation will be an interesting study.
One more personal opinion on the price of gold. It's nearing $1000/oz, and some financial pundits are saying they are a good investment now. I disagree; when cash is king, investing into any metal is a bad idea. What can you do with one oz of gold? How about $1000 in cash?