Sun 28 Sep, 2003 11:08 am
Try this soon, before Google fixes its
1) Go to <
2) type in (but don't hit return): "weapons of
mass destruction"
3) Hit the "I'm feeling lucky" button, instead
of the normal "Google search" button
4) Read what appears to be a normal error
message carefully. Read the whole page. Someone at Google really
has a sense of humor.
Type in french military victories
same way.
That's interesting too. I take it the Google programmer is not French.
Hi Colorbook,
There's an ongoing discussion of that feature of Google here on our boards if you're interested in further details about it.
Thanks Butrflynet. I did a search before I posted but came up with nothing. Thanks for letting me know. I'm learning as I go along.
So am I.
That's what's so neat about this place.
Remember that it is not Google doing this. It's relatively easy and anyone can do it. It's called a Google bomb.
Google *REALLY* dislikes these pages as it is a false result. It's showing a joke and a deliberately misleading one.
But the pagerank system they use can sometimes be abused.
One of the first such Google bombs was done as a prank on a programmer. A few of his "buddies" did a Google bomb on him and made his website the number one result for the query "worthless hack".