Well, ya know if Ronan had loaned him the non chipping nail varnish - he would never have had the problem, would he. Sheesh - your Irish lads need to get toughened nail varnish!!!!!!
You do have some nice head gear tho


(It's Saturday!)
<applies a little more white, reddens the English rose a little more scarlet....beams at her Orange, Green and White Irish compadre across the water - winks, blows a smooch and goes and makes a cuppa> awaits the battle of the boyz - gonna be a good match - tho I think we may just get minced! <said that verra quietly>
edit.... oh oh oh - hun - you should see the "beer" ad that Dutchy posted on the Yabber.... YOU WOULD LOVE ITand would laugh just a tad ..... oooooh...could post it here.... depends on sensibilities! mmmmmmm.... better plan - will find a link!