It also shows that you dont have the ability to read minds or understand meanings.
When this bill was first mentioned, it was sold as a way to fix the economy, create jobs, and otherwise stimluate our economy.
Now we have people saying that unemployment will still go up under this bill, just not as fast.
If thats true, then the bill isnt delivering what it was intended to do.
Also, from what Ihave read (and I admit I havent read the whole bill yet), it seems like the bill is creating more temporary jobs instead of permanent jobs
To use one example, the Marshland restoration project that Nancy Pelosi wanted.
That will be a temporary project, not a permanent one.
Once those wetlands are restored, what happens to the people working on that project?
They will be out of work again.
Yet, I see nothing in the bill that addresses that,for those workers or any others that will be working in what amounts to temporary jobs.