Fri 30 Jan, 2009 09:34 pm
Does anyone know the title and/or author of a short story, a grisly tale of horror, by this title? It might have appeared in one of Alfred Hitchcock's "Stories They Wouldn't Let Me Do on TV" or similar.
Its a story about a murder. The detectives can't find the blunt weapon, but they sit down the the widow for a lamb dinner. The twist is...
... a frozen leg of lamb is a pretty good bludgeon. And they just ate the evidence!
My mother has this story in one of her 'murder' books. Honestly, I don't know how my father can fall asleep in that house.......
@Mr Stillwater,
That's it! That's it!
Next question - is this the correct title? If so I can track it down easily enough.
I will ask Mother tomorrow.... she'll pop round to let you know.
Totally unrelated question, what time do you usually shower???
I have CD's of All the Alfred Hitchcock shows and this one was produced and shown. The final scene shows the two detectives sitting around the table eating the leg of lamb and musing about the missing murder weapon which was a "large blunt instrument".
Yes Phoenix! You've got it! That's the one. I remember reading it, but I guess I didn't see it, because I would certainly have remembered Robert Morley.
The other one suggested, about the detectives munching on the blunt instrument, reminds me of one set in South Africa (I think) where the murderer grinds up the body into poultry feed and is famous for the quality of the chickens he/she - don't recall - sells at the local market..
Quote:Yes Phoenix! You've got it! That's the one. I remember reading it, but I guess I didn't see it, because I would certainly have remembered Robert Morley.
The other one suggested, about the detectives munching on the blunt instrument, reminds me of one set in South Africa (I think) where the murderer grinds up the body into poultry feed and is famous for the quality of the chickens he/she - don't recall - sells at the local market..
Well!! You are one sick kitty, that's all I can say.