@Frank Apisa,
I would have thought that the fullest biblical 'arguement' for matetrs concerning the law and the church and therefore every believer was and can be found in the Epistles.But in John 8 is a practical answer to the question both to the believer and unbeliever.
In that under the law the woman was guilty and thus by the law was under a sentence of death needing only the word of the judge to pass the judgement.
Her accusers on the other hand who sought to be justfied by the law and thus be bale to accuse Jesus used the law as it suited them.For according to the law both the man and the woman were to be stoned to death.But thier motive was not the upholding of the law but rather the snaring of Jesus.
Thus in presenting the Lord with seemingly an impossible thing they hoped to snare him in his own words one way or the other.
Yet He beign the master in every situation bent down and wrote in the ground with his finger as if he did not hear them.
Soem say he wrote out varios sins commited by the accusers .This cannot be true as it si the devil who is the accuser of his bretheren.His finger wrote in the dust of the earth,the ground.There are only 5 times im aware of where the finger of God is mentioned.
1) In exodus where the Egyptian wizards and magicians having been able to duplicate the works of God up to a certain point when God went alittle further.They were forced to admit "this is the finger of God........"
2) It was the finger of God that wrote the law of the ten commandments on the two tablets of stone.
3)It was the finger in the likeness of a mans hand that wrote out Belthazars judgement on the plaster wall.
4)If I by the finger of God said Jesus cast out devils no ye this that the kingdom God has come night unto you.
5)The woman caught in adultery.
Thus it is was always judgement and the law in all 5 cases.
So what was Jesus doing?
First he was writing in the dust.
"If God should mark iniquity who would stand?"
No matter how deep the dust its still dust.
He knows our frame it is but dust.
His judgement concerning man then is absolute and who can say nay to the judgement of God?For while man says in his 'bill of human rights' man has the right to life.
God still says the soul that sinneth it shall die.
He was also giving all time .A measure of time. Even then as now.
To consider your ways as they also.
To reflect upon what had brough them to this point and why.
and thus he gave time to the accused and the accusers to repent.
For by the LAW all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
With no exception.
If you look at it from the point of veiw of the accusers it is profitable to do so.
It is worth comparign them with Joseph "who being a JUST man ........"when he found out Maries aparant sin sought to send her away privately.
If you look at it from the accused point of veiw that too is profitable.
For what knoweth the things of man save the spirit that is in man"
But it is worth reminding ourselves that that when the man she was caught with was set free she could have been with some justyfication been rightously angry and indigmant.All the same she also was condemned under the law and thus her heated rightousness was but filthy rags.
By the time she came to be stood in the midst and in front of Jesus she was as good as dead with no hope at all.
Yet when Jesus said nothing it gave her a ray of hope.and a time of grace where by she could consider her ways and repent.
If you compare her actions unseen with the theif on the cross that was seen it too is profitable.
For in the beggining both thiefs mocked Christ but as time passed thinsg were done and said .One of the theifs took the time God gave him to reflect on his ways and what had brought him to that place.So whwen the other theif began to mock the Lord again the other thief rebuked him and said"do you not fear od?"it is the fear of God that is the begining of wisdom and the fleeing from evil understanding"Not only then did he confess his sin he also copnfessed the rightousness of Christ and then turned the LORD in faith for his salvation.
But the accusers seekignto be justyfied by the law pressed the Lord for an answer .Till finally the Lords stood up and uttered what the Law said. "Let the accusers cast the first stone" We read in Romans that the Law is not to make one rightous or perefect but to convict of sin.Thus they who sought to be justyfied by the law He answered them according to the Law and thus; albeit he accused no one ;each was convicted in their own hearts thier own sin and each went away.
The woman on the othe rhand who sought but the mercy of God and had repented not only found mercy but also the Word of grace.
All controversies in the church today are resolved in Christ.
The trouble is that Jesus is outside the door of the church and knocks.Yet the church thinks He is inside the church.(not according to the scriptures he is not.
For there is too much of the world and self justyfication for Him to be able to .
Thus he knocks on the door of THE church .Which is a call to repentance to the whole church.
The promise is to the individual who has ears to hear and opens the door.
In Christ