The cause of the white nose syndrome hs been found, Its a psychrophyllic bacteria Pseudogymnoarcus destructans. It means it can thrive in low temperatures while bats hibernate. It produces severl enzymes that are brain attacking and cause the infected bats to develop a behavior that has them flying about an not eating, till they actully dessicate from lack of fluid an food intqke. GOOD NEWS-reserch has found a bacteriaphage that destroys the Pdestructans fungus in its various stages, including post infective. The bacteriophage is a sppecies called Rhodococcus rhodochrous. Several Universities and industries have partnered up to study this stuff and its now in a "balls to the wall" application program by spelunkers.
Im an experienced spelunker and, although Im up there in years, I maybe can help in the admin of the phage. Its apparently delivered in a encapsulated state on a silica powder , by adhering via some organo polymer. (KInda like the way they make these pelletized seeds except really really small. The technology is already known by ag because we deliver soil fumigants by this technique and its all fungal focused.
Some 90% of some species of bats in the NE and Canada have been wiped out and its making its way into European bat colonies.
Heres an example of a species going extinct that could have major tsunami waves on the entire ecosystem and agriculture