I'm not exactly sure how I could sound upset here. This is as far from the truth as I can imagine. I'm just enjoying a little tame debate. If there was a tone to my words, it certainly had nothing to do with any upset emotion I have. I am sorry if it sounded that way to you.
I can't see how how Travolta was being kicked. Actors of same sex, even males, kiss other members of the same sex somewhat frequently. People speculate all the time about celebrities sex lives. The fact that it's at this particular auspicious time, the tragic death of his son - well, there's no accounting for taste, I guess.
Where I get annoyed is when the speculation turns to Travolta's religion or belief system, Scientology, and the subsequent guessing that's going on right now over whetwer or not there was medical intervention to save his child's life. Now that is something that makes me a little upset.