Setanta wrote:
I can only think that in a rather confused way you are saying that "pagans" lived in peace with Jews. They certainly did not live in peace with christians. Many of the conversions to christianity in Europe's history were effected at the point of a sword, and christians slaughtered people simply for being "pagan," while "pagans" in return slaughtered people for being christian. Charlemagne's biographers record that in almost every year for 40 years, he campaigned (or his proxies campaigned) against the then "pagan" Saxons, who as gleefully slaughtered newly converted christians, when they could make any headway against the Franks.
Since Jews wandered into Germany some time after having Jerusalem decimated by the Romans, they could not have founded Jewish villages, unless the pagans accepted them without hostility. I believe that occurred because the Jews came as a family. Less hostility is engendered when one arrives with women and children. Also, there were cultural ways that the pagans might have found useful (like a midwife washing one's hands with boiled water, before birthing a baby)? Anyway, the Jews having arrived in northern Europe as a sad group might have engendered some sort of pity? Regardless, the Germanic tribes allowed them to settle (supposedly on the shores of some river called the Ashkenazi river. Get it "Ashkenazi Jews").
I do not know why, but Jews were just considered odd-fellows by many a pagan, I read. Nothing then to get hostile towards. Perhaps, with the advent of competing monotheistic faiths was a reason established to be hostile to Jews? I have read that the two countries that Jews assimilated totally, where there had been a Jewish community, was India and China. Two non-monotheistic countries that had no anti-Semitism. The Jews had no reason to circle the wagons; with time they just assimilated, I read.
I do not know why pagans killed so many Christians? I would guess it might have something to do with the proselytizing efforts of Christianity and the threat that posed to the survival of paganism. Jews you know do not proselytize. In fact, Rabbis are supposed to dissuade any Gentile that comes to them with the desire to convert.