Sat 13 Dec, 2008 10:41 pm
Wow, from what year is that?
Yikes, that sure brings back a lot of memories... usenet, gopher, news groups, dial up BBS boards, uunet, accoustic couplers to connect with a data phone and a 1200 baud modem, AOL v 1.0,
Nice to see that it is from the CBC.
i like the first words he says, lol debat philosophy, exchange cooking recipes, and scientific knowledge
did a2kay start the internetz??!?!?! :O:O
@Robert Gentel,
Nice bit of nostalgia.
I can barely remember what it used to be like using dial-up, even!
Do you remember 300 baud?
When I first went on line, it was with a 486 Compaq off-the-rack computer with a 2400 baud dial up modem. When I got booted it only took 4 or 5 minutes to get back on line to my on line bridge game. I remember how FAST it was when I upgraded to a 56K modem
Yes. I found I could read at 300 baud.
This was bulletin board (BBS) dial-up, no Internet in those days.
Of course. I should have clarified that.
That really goes back a few years. What? About 30? At least the error checking was good.
No idea what year it was, I found it on this thing called "the Internet".
@Robert Gentel,
Robert Gentel wrote:
No idea what year it was, I found it on this thing called "the Internet".
Where the hell is that?
They sound polite and stuff.
In 1979, the head of our department at the University of Illinois declared that computers in general and the internet in particular were passing fads of the geeks, and refused to budget any money for either. We were able, though, to use the facilities in the Graduate Library. The U of I really had good, up-to-date computer system with terminals all over campus. I don't think very many people cruised the www in those days, though.