a virtual pop up book teaching about the ecology
The Eco Zoo
The Eco Zoo is an educational site aimed at teaching individuals how to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle based on examples of various animals - i.e. the Kangaroo "brings his own bag" when it goes shopping, etc. So, in that respect, the concept is entertaining. However, the actual implementation - the site itself - really has me reeling. Built by Masayuki Kido, aka Roxik and his Sharikura 3D Flash engine, it is absolutely the site of the year both in terms of progressive technology, smart use of that technology with the design and overall feel.
Be sure to check out each animals "flip book" and notice that you can rotate the site (aka camera) around at almost any point in the process. Also consider how smooth the site operates and that you've probably never seen anything done like this, so well, in Flash before.
when the pop up books are open, you can click and hold your mouse and rotate the books on the horizontal and diagonal