It's never about "building another factory." It's about management's ability to run a business for the long-term; that means quality, fuel efficient cars, that the consumers wants to buy - not only when gas prices are high, but for the long term - no matter what gas prices are. The US is the only country who complains about $4/gallon gas when most other countries have been paying over $4/gallon for a very long time. "Those" countries have always understood that quality and fuel efficient cars was the only way to compete in the world marketplace. Detroit snubbed their noses in the past when we had line-ups to buy gas, and other periods of high gas prices when they reacted just for the moment, and went back to gas-guzzlers. They wonder why they're now in trouble.
I heard a congresswoman today on tv who was saying that Detroit needs the money to "retool" their factories. It's not about "retooling." Vehicle sales are down for all car-makers. It's the economy, stupid! Retooling will not help anything, because the management in Detroit never understood how to compete well.